| ![]() MIL-F-45598A Interchangeability testing Inplant. Feeders. The contractor shall test a sample of
three feeders selected by the Government representative, from
each month's production for interchangeability using the test
method specified in Feeders taken for
interchangeability testing shall have been found satisfactory in
all examinations and tests. The three feeders shall be inspected
for timing and torque after interchange of parts using the
examinations specified in and In
addition, the feeders shall be tested for functioning requirement
after interchange of parts using the test method specified in
4.5.3. Failure of the interchangeability test shall cause retest
or rejection of the represented lot. At the discretion of the
Government representative, an interchangeability retest may be
allowed without reconditioning the lot of feeders. Failure in
the retest shall cause rejection of the represented lot subject
to reconditioning and further test as a reconditioned lot. A
sample of six feeders from each retest or reconditioned lot shall
be tested using the same procedure described above. Concurrent repair parts. The contractor shall
subject at least two parts from each inspection lot of concurrent
repair parts to the interchangeability test specified in Failure of any part to meet the requirements shall be
cause for rejection of the represented lot of parts subject to
reconditioning and further test as a reconditioned lot. A sample
of double the number of parts used in the original test shall be
tested from each reconditioned lot using the test method
specified in Interplant. When feeders are manufactured
concurrently by more than one contractor each contractor shall
forward monthly to the testing agency specified in the contract,
three feeders for the interplant interchangeability test
specified in (see 6.2). The contractor will be informed
of any failure of the feeders to meet prescribed requirements.
Endurance testing. Lot size. The initial test lot of feeders shall
consist of the first month's production. Thereafter, endurance
test lots shall each consist of 100 feeders or a month's
production, whichever is larger. Procedure. One feeder, selected by the
Government representative, from each endurance lot shall be
tested by the contractor for endurance using the test method
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