| ![]() MIL-F-45598A
specified in 4.5.5. If the endurance requirements are not met,
the represented lot shall be rejected subject to retest or
reconditioning and further test as a reconditioned lot. An
endurance retest of two other feeders from the same lot shall be
made without reconditioning the represented lot, unless in the
opinion of the Government representative the failure indicates
serious defects in the item, in which case retest shall be made
only when authorized by the procuring agency. Failure of any
feeder in the retest to meet the requirements shall cause
rejection of the represented lot subject to reconditioning and
further testing as a reconditioned lot. Prior to submission of a
lot of feeders as a reconditioned lot, the cause of failure shall
be determined and contractor correction shall be effected on all
feeders and parts in production. Sample size and test method for
reconditioned lots shall be the same as for retest. Certification. Unless otherwise specified, the
contractor shall be responsible for testing necessary to
accomplish certification. For each inspection lot of feeders,
the contractor shall provide the Government representative with
certified statements of compliance with applicable drawings and
specifications of the materials and processes specified on
Drawing 11701120. Component parts and concurrent repair parts
testing. Raw material testing, part testing, and certification
shall be performed in accordance with the criteria specified in
the contract (see 6.2). This will include chemical analysis and
physical tests of materials, and tests of protective finish, heat
treatment, bonding, and function of parts as applicable. The
contractor shall accomplish these tests prior to assembly of
parts into the end item. Packaging, examination, and testing. Unless
otherwise specified (see 6.2), the packaging examination and
testing shall be in accordance with MIL-P-14232.
4.4.4 Inspection equipment. Acquisition, maintenance and disposition. Unless
otherwise specified, responsibility for acquisition, maintenance
and disposition of acceptance inspection and test equipment
prescribed on lists contained on Index of Inspection Equipment
List, Drawing 11701120, and for all other inspection equipment
required to perform inspection prescribed by applicable
specifications, shall be in accordance with MIL-I-45607.
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