| ![]() MIL-F-48057B(AR)
4.5.6 Setback weight return capability. The S&A in the safe position
shall be assembled to the test equipment in accordance with 4.4.4. The S&A
shall be securely held in place during a 20 pound load test with a hold down
force. The 20 pound load shall be applied at an average rate of 300 50
inches per minute to the setback weight. It is mandatory that the setback
weight maintain contact with the 20 pound load applicator until fully
bottomed. The 20 pound force shall then be removed. S&A's failing to
completely return to the fully safe position shall be classed defective and
removed from the lot. Defect standards for verification of the inspection
process shall be in accordance with and Defect standards for
use with automatic equipment shall be as follows:
Units with setback weights which bind when depressed and remain
in the depressed condition,
Units with setback weights which start to return but do not
completely return to the original locking position.
Units with setback weights which return from the depressed
condition at a slower than the normal rate causing rejection.
4.5.7 Rotor reset capability. The loaded S&A device shall be assembled
to the test fixture. The rotor shall be rotated to a position at least 30,
but not more than 35, from the fully safe position. The rotor shall return
to the fully safe position without any assistance. Any S&A that fails to meet
the requirement shall be classed defective.
4.5.8 Continuity. The resistance of the loaded S&A will be measured
between the two soldered terminals through the detonator with the rotor in the
armed position. The resistance shall be 3.5 ohm 1.5 ohm. The resistance
shall be measured with test equipment which will not pass more than 1 milli-
ampere. Any S&A that fails to meet the requirement shall be classed defective.
4.5.9 Insulation resistance. The isulation resistance of the unloaded
S&A, in the armed position, measured between the ground and positive terminals
of the switch, shall be not less than 30 megohms at 500 VDC. Standard
measuring equipment may be used for this test. Any S&A that fails to meet the
requirement shall be classed defective.
4.5.10 S&A position check. The S&A position, before insertion into the
subassembly, shall be inspected. Any armed S&A shall be considered defective
and removed from the lot, and the assembly operation shall be halted until
operation is corrected to Government satisfaction. The inspection shall be
performed to the requirements of 3.8.8 using procedures in accordance with and and equipment in accordance with paragraph 4.4.4.
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