| ![]() MIL-F-48057B(AR)
Defect standards with semi-armed and fully armed conditions shall be
introduced at various times to verify test performance. The Design Agency
approved handling procedure to preclude untested S&A'S from being introduced
into the fuze prior to the safe handling plug being installed shall also be
assessed when the standards are introduced. If an improper procedure is being
used as determined by the Government, all fuzes accepted subsequent to the
last acceptable handling procedure assessment shall be screened as determined
by the Government,
4.5.11 S&A function test. Equipment. The S&A shall be tested in a horizontal type centri-
fuge. Length from the center of rotation to the aft end of the setback
weight shall be greater than 10 inches. The S&A shall be fixtured to orient
the striker housing (Type I) or the release pin housing (Type II) toward the
center of rotation along the longitudinal axis. The fixture will provide
device for holding the setback weight captive, which can be released when the
specified "g" limits are reached. This test equipment shall be capable of
operation at temperatures of ambient, -40F and 160F, with a tolerance of
50, and with an acceleration tolerance of .10 g. Time measuring
equipment shall be accurate within 0.01 second. Non-arming. Non-arming (Type I only). The device containing a power
supply striker and spring but no explosives shall be placed in the centrifuge
and tested at 12 g for five seconds. The device shall meet the requirements
of 3.3.1. Any S&A that fails to meet the requirement shall be classed
defective. Non-arming (Type II only) Each unloaded S&A with dumny
Release Pin and the Release Pin lever latched, in a spring loaded fixture
which simulates the MIG spring, upon release of the setback weight, shall not
release the Release Pin nor shall the rotor rotate into the armed position
when subjected to an acceleration of 12 g's for a minimum of 5 seconds. Any
S&A that fails to meet the requirement shall be classed defective. Non-arming before packaging. The device completely assembled
shall be tested in the centrifuge at 12 g for five seconds. The device shall
meet the requirements of 3.3.1. Any S&A that fails to meet the requirements
shall be classed defective. Arming 27 g's. Each S&A shall be tested as in or
4.5 .11.2.2 except that the rotor shall rotate from the fully safe position to
the fully armed and detented position and meet the timing requirements of
3.3.3 and 3.3.7 (Type I) or 3.3.8 (Type II) when subjected to an acceleration
of 27 g's. Any S&A that fails to meet the requirement shall be classed
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