| ![]() MIL-F-48057B(AR)
4.5.16 Five-foot drop. The sub-assembly with inert lead, inert booster
and inert warhead shall be subjected to Test III of MIL-STD-331. The lot
shall be rejected if any unit fails to meet the requirements of 3.8.9 with
additional definitions in 6.5.
4.5.17 Sub-assembly function tests. Following the conditioning of
4.5.15, the units shall be tested in a centrifuge of the horizontal type
utilizing a swing table. The radial arm used in acceleration calculation
shall be measured to the center of the swing table. The item shall be mounted
on the swing table and positioned so that the setback weight is located at 3
o'clock as viewed from the base of the S&A. When the centrifuge has reached
the required RPM the holding solenoid is actuated allowing the swing table to
rotate into the "G" field. The arming time start signal shall be located at
450 1 preceding the in-line position and the arming time shall stop at
rotor detent. The arming time shall be recorded to the nearest millisecond
using an acoustic pick-up which feeds the arming cycle noise signal to the
recorder. Non-arm. The sub-assembly without shipping plug, shall be
assembled to the test equipment and accelerated to 12.0 .5 g's for a minimum
of five seconds. Observation shall be made for the S&A in the safe position. Arming time. The equipment shall accelerate the sub-assembly to
40.0 .5 g's and the arming time shall be recorded. The detonator function test shall occur within 20 seconds after
S&A arming by application of 28 .5 VDC to the input terminal of the fuze
firing circuit. Sub-assemblies which fail to fire shall be carefully removed
from the centrifuge after a time lapse of five minutes.
WARNING: The test may be dangerous and should be performed behind a suitable
barrier. The sub-assemblies shall be subjected to the tests and accep-
tance or rejection criteria as specified in Table II.
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