| ![]() MIL-F-48057B (AR)
AMENDMENT 7 Delete second line and substitute "required in Following helicopter vibration, the assemblies shall
be temperature conditioned for a minimum of four hours, 15 at
-40F 5F and 15 at +160F 5F. They shall then
be assem-".
Add "One defective shall be cause for lot rejection."
4.5.17: Delete in its entirety, except for title, and substitute
"Following the helicopter vibration of 4.5.15, the units shall
be temperature conditioned for a minimum of four hours, 24 at
-40 5 and 24 at +160F 5. hey shall then
be tested as in Arming time shall start upon setback
weight release and shall stop at rotor detent. The arming time
shall be recorded to the nearest millisecond using an acoustic
pick-up which feeds the arming cycle noise signal to the
TABLE II: For "Over Max", delete "0" and "1" and substitute "1"
and "2", respectively.
For "Firing", delete "0" and "1" and substitute "1"
and "2", respectively.
Add "Note:
If one reject occurs, the lot shall be
accepted. If three or more rejects occur, the lot shall be
rejected. If one reject occurs in both arming time over max
and firing, a second sample of 48 subassemblies shall be
tested. If the combined number of rejects in both samples is
three or more, the lot shall be rejected."
Delete in its entirety and substitute the following:
"4.5.18 Fuze function test. A random sample of 64 fuzes
shall be selected from each fuze assembly lot for this test.
The sub-assemblies shall be sent to a Government designated
facility to be loaded with a booster assembly in accordance
with the latest drawings and specifications. The fuzes shall
then be assembled to the appropriate rounds and fired from a
2.75 Inch Rocket Launcher or equivalent situated on the ground
to impact on natural terrain at a distance of 3000 meters. If
three defects are found, the lot shall be accepted. If four
or more fuzes fail to comply with the requirement specified,
the lot shall be rejected."
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