| ![]() MIL-F-48067
found or anticipated. The contractor shall re-supply the item standards
when it is determined by the Government that the standards are no longer
representative of the product.
4.1.3 Undetected Defect Standards. - Provisions shall be established
for the corrective action to be taken where the equipment fails to identify
a standard as a defective. Those provisions shall include a re-inspection
of all acceptable material subsequent to the last acceptable verification
check as a minimum.
4.2 First Article Inspection
4.2.1 Submission. - The contractor shall submit a first article sample
consisting of fifty (50) fuze assemblies (with live booster) to be subjected
to booster functioning in the "Superquick" mode and fifty (50) fuze assemblies
(with live booster) to be subjected to ballistic firing in the "Delay" mode.
This sample is submitted to a Government approved facility as designated by
the Contracting Officer (see 6.4) for evaluation in accordance with the pro-
visions of 4.2.2. All parts and materials shall be the same as will be used
in regular production and shall be obtained from the same source of supply.
Prior to submission, the sample shall be inspected by the contractor to the
degree necessary to assure that it conforms to the requirements of the con-
4 . 2 . 2 I n s p e c t i o n s t o b e P e r f o r m e d . - Each fuze assembly and component
shall be subjected by the Government to any or all of the examinations or
tests specified in 4.3.2 and 4.3.3 of this specification and any or all re-
quirements of the applicable drawings.
4.2.3 R e j e c t i o n o f F i r s t Article S a m p l e . - If any fuze, sub-assembly
or component fails to comply with the applicable requi rements, the first
article sample shall be rejected. The Government reserves the right to ter-
minate its inspection upon any failure of a fuze, sub-assembly or component
In the
in the sample to comply with any of the specified requirements.
event of rejection, the Government reserves the right to require the con-
tractor to take corrective action and submit a new first article sample or
portion thereof.
Until a first article sample is accepted, the contractor
is in no way authorized by the Government to initiate regular production
(including procurement of material by the contractor) unless otherwise di-
rected by the Contracting Officer.
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