| ![]() MIL-F-48067
4.3 Inspection Provisions
4.3.1 L o t F o r m a t i o n . - The term "inspection lot" as used in this spec-
ification is defined as an essentially homgeneous collection of units of
product from which a representative sample is drawn and inspected to deter-
mine conformance with applicable requiremnts. The sample selected shall
represent only that quantity of units from which the sample was drawn and
shall not be construed to represent any prior or subsequent quantities pre-
s e n t e d f o r i n s p e c t i o n . Homogeneity
the inspection lot has been produced by one manufacturer, in one unchanged
process, in accordance with the same drawing, same drawing revision, same
specification and same specification revision and complies with the provi-
the process, specification or drawing not affecting safety, performance,
interchangeability or storage, as determined by the Government, shall not
be deemed to alter the homogeneity of an inspection lot. All material sub-
mitted for inspection in accordance with this specification shall comply
with the homogeneity criteria specified herein regardless of the type of
sampling procedure which is being applied to determine conformance with
Lot numbering as required, shall be in accordance with
MIL-STD-1168. E a c h i n s p e c t i o n l o t o f l o a d e d f u z e s s h a l l c o n t a i n :
a . One metal parts lot from one manufacturer.
b . RDX from not more than one lot or homogeneous blend of
lots (dwg. 8883684).
c . Explosive Compos ition A5 from not more than one lot or
homogeneous blend of lots (dwg. 8883685).
4.3.2 Examination. - The examinations listed in the following sub-para-
graphs shall be performed on inspection lots (see 4.3.1) of the components or
Inspection for
assebl ies designated in the applicable paragraph headings.
C r i t i c a l D e f e c t s ( a n d M a j o r D e f e c t s , when
Sampling plans for Major and Minor Defects shall be in accordance with MIL-
STD-105 except that continuous sampling plans in accordance with MlL-STD-1235
Instead of applying the AQL's
may be used if approved by the Government.
designated herein to the groups of Major and Minor Defects listed, the con-
tractor may elect to apply AQL's to individual defects using an AQL of 0.40
percent for each Major Defect and an AQL of 0.65 percent for each Minor De-
When this method is elected, it shall be applied to all of the Major
and Minor Defects listed in the applicable sub-paragraph of this section,
except where 100 percent inspection is specified, and be documented as part
of the contractor's inspection system. Equipment necessary for the perform-
ance of the inspections listed shall be in accordance with 4.3.4.
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