| ![]() MIL-F-48067
202. Protective finsih inadequate . . . . . . Visual
203. Evidence of poor workmanship
(see 3.6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Visual
4.3.3 Testing
4 . 3 . 3 . 1 R a d i o g r a p h i c I n s p e c t i o n f o r A r m e d F u z e s - Critical Defect -
Code No. 04001. - Each fuze shall be radiographically inspected for an armed
or partially armed condition. Fuzes found to have either of these defects
shall be removed from the lot, held for engineering evaluation and the lot
shall be rejected. This inspection shall be performed as specified in 4.4.1.
Defect standards for automatic equipment verification shall be in accordance
with 4.1.2. Failure to detect defect standards shall put in effect procedures
in accordance with 4.1.3. Radiographic Inspection f o r Hissing o r B r o k e n C o m p o n e n t s -
M a j o r D e f e c t - Code No. 04002. - E a c h f u z e s h a l l b e r a d i o g r a p h i c a l l y i n s p e c t e d
for broken or missing internal components.
Fuzes found to have this type of
defect shall be removed from the lot. This inspection shall be performed as
specified in 4.4.1.
Defect standards for automatic equipment verification
shall be in accordance with 4.1.2.
Failure to detect defect standards shall
put in effect procedures in accordance with 4.1.3. B o o s t e r F u n c t i o n i n g (see 3.4) - Major Defect -
Code No. 03007. -
Beginning with the first production lot, fifty (50) complete
fuzes with live
boosters shall be selected and tested from each lot.
If two
or more fuzes
fail to detonate high order in the Superquick mode, the lot
shall be rejected.
The fifty (50) samples shall all be fired regardless of the
failure rate.
This test shall be performed as specified in 4.4.2. Ballistic T e s t (see 3.5) - Major Defect - Code No. 05001. -
The complete fuze (with live booster assembly) shall be shipped to the
proving grounds. At the proving grounds, the fuze will be attached to
inert warheads and live motors for this test.
For first article sample,
a random sample of fifty (50) loaded fuzes with live boosters shall be
selected. During first article testing, full camera coverage shall be
used to document test results.
For lot acceptance, a random sample of
twenty-four (24) loaded fuzes with live boosters shall be selected from
e a c h l o t . Camera coverage shall be used. Should two or more rounds
fail to detonate in the "Delay" mode in either first article or lot ac-
ceptance, the lot shall be rejected. Should one round fail to detonate
in the "Delay" rode, an additional twenty-four (24) samples shall be
Should one or more of these additional twenty-four (24) samples
fail to detonate in the "Delay" mode, the lot shall be rejected. This
test shall be performed as specified in 4.4.3.
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