| MIL-F-48235 (MU) Pull test of crimped connection (see dwg. 9270787) -
Major defect - Code No. 18016.-This test shall be performed 100
percent. Any firing device which fails to comply with the spec-
ified requirements shall be classed defective and removed from
the lot. The test shall be performed as specified in 4.4.5
using test equipment in accordance with 4.3.4. (Non-Destructive)
4.3.4 Inspection Equipment. - The inspection equipment re-
quired to perform the examinations and tests prescribed in this
section is identified under the "Method of Inspection" headings
in 4.3.2 and 4.3.5 and test method 4.4 paragraphs herein (see 6.3).
4.3.5 Dimensional control of molded parts. - In place of the
normal sampling and inspections associated with the Classification
of Defects, and after a curing time for the parts has been approved
(see Note 2) a sample of three (3) parts (as molded) from each
cavity shall be fully inspected dimensionally to qualify a new or
reworked cavity for use in production. `The molded parts shall
carry the individual cavity identification. As a control of
each cavity during production, the above quantity of parts from
each cavity shall be inspected for at least the defects listed
in paragraphs through after continuous produc-
tion of each 5,000 parts or at the end of each week, whichever
occurs first. Of the three (3) samples, one (1) "sample shall be
the last part produced. If any defective parts are found during
qualification of the cavity, the cavity producing the defective
part will not be used in production. If any defective parts
are found when inspection is performed for the control of' the
cavity, the cavity producing the defective part shall be removed
from production. Further, that portion of production since the
last control check shall be returned to the contractor for in-
spection for each separate type of defect according to MIL-STD-
105, using an AQL of 0.40 percent for each major defect and an
AQL of 0.65 percent for each minor defect. All cavities removed
from production because of some fault, may after reworking, be
returned to production providing they pass the qualification test
above. The contractor may request a change of inspection frequency
providing he presents objective evidence to the contracting officer
to substantiate the request. Contractor design of gages and test
equipment required to perform the inspections listed herein shall
be forwarded to Commanding Officer, Picatinny Arsenal, Dover, New
Jersey 07801, ATTN: SMUPA-QA-A-M for approval prior to manufact-
ure of equipment. The following subparagraphs identify those
items and minimum inspections subject to the requirements of this
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