| ![]() 4. 3.5.5 Boot (see dwg. 8800927 covering a detail of dwg.
4.4 Test methods and procedures
4.4.1 Embrittlement of springs. - The spring under test
shall be stretched until the minimum point of permanent distor-
tion is reached. If the spring breaks when extended to the point
of distortion, it shall be classed defective. Springs tested for
embrittlement shall not be returned to the lot. Embrittlement of spring after testing, - Springs
will be subjected to compression for a minimum of 24 hours at
the assembled height before testing as specified in 4.4.1.
4.4.2 Air Leaks. - Firing devices with dust cap off and
bail in safe position shall be placed in a vacuum chamber, and
a vacuum of 5.5 pounds per square inch minimum shall be drawn
and held for at least one minute, Observe each boot and note
each one which is not in expanded condition as compared to the
normal condition. Release the vacuum and with bell cover re-
moved observe each boot within 5 minutes noting each one which
is in compressed condition as compared to the normal condition.
Any item in which the boot is not in expanded condition while
under vacuum, or is in compressed condition after release of the
vacuum, does not comply with 3.4 and shall be rejected. All ac-
cepted items shall have the dust caps closed prior to packaging.
4.4.3 Functioning. - Functioning of the firing devices
shall be determined as follows: Place bail in functioning po-
sition (in angular slot), depress handle fully to produce two
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