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MIL-F-48235 (MU)
5.1.2 Level C. - Same as Level A.
5.1.3 Air Shipment. - When mode of transportation is by
air, firing devices shall be positioned in cells - one row with
connector end down and next row with connector end up alternating
in this manner for all 5 rows.  The top layer of devices shall be
positioned into the cells in the same manner as the lower layer
except the first row shall be with connector end up.  In no in.
stance shall like ends of the firing devices butt each other.  Each
box of firing devices shall be tested by a Gauss meter to insure
that the firing devices have been properly arranged within the box
and comply with the magnetic shielding requirements for air ship-
ment as specified in MIL-S-4473.  Boxes failing to meet the air
shipping suitability shall be opened and the firing devices ro-
tated and rearranged to change the magne tic field until the loaded
box meets the air shi pment requirements.  Al ternatively , firing
devices may be shielded in accordance with regulations of MIL-S-
4473 to meet air shipment requirements,
5.2 Packing
5.2.1 Level A. - Two boxes (100 firing devices) shall be
packed in a nailed wooden box with case liner and fillers.  The
box shall meet the requirements of Specification PPP-B-621 for
a Class 2, Style 2, 2-1/2 or 4 box for a Type 3 load.  The case
liner shall conform to MIL-L-10547, Type I, Grade B requirements.
The fillers shall comply with Specification MIL-F-50449 require-
ments and shall be added to the sides and ends of the box between
the unit boxes and the liner, and on top of the closed case liner
as required for a tight pack.  Box size shall be aoproximately
18 1/2 by 15 3/4 by 10 inches in depth, inside dimensions.  The
case liner shall fit the interior dimensions of the wooden box.
Fillers shall be equal in size to the length and width of the
surface to be covered less approximately 1/2 inch,  The case liner
shall be closed by heat sealing.  Seals shall meet the heat-sealed
seam test of MIL-P-116.  Boxes shall be closed and strapped in
accordance with requirements contained in the appendix of the box
5.2.2 Level C.-Unit containers shall serve as shipping
containers except tape shall be applied over the full length
of all top and bottom fiber box seams with approximately 2 inch
extension of tape onto end pannels and around all corners of the

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