| ![]() MIL-F-48267 (PA)
4.1 Responsibility for Inspection. - Unless otherwise
specified in the contract or purchase order, the supplier is
responsible for the performance of all inspection requirements
as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified in the
contract or order, the supplier may use his own or any other
facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection re-
quirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Govern-
ment. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the
inspections set forth in the specification where such inspec-
tions are deemed necessary to assure supplies and servies con-
form to the prescribed requirements. Reference shall be made to
MIL-STD-109 to define terms used herein. The provisions of
MIL-A-2550 shall apply.
4.1.1 Submission of Product. - At the time each completed
lot of items deliverable under the contract is submitted to the
Government for acceptance, the contractor shall supply the fol-
lowing information accompanied by a certificate which attests
that the information provided is-correct and applicable to the
product being submitted.
a. A statement that the lot complies with all of the
quality assurance provisions specified in this specification.
b. Drawing and specification number and date, together
with identification and date of changes thereto.
c. A statement that all material purchased by the con-
tractor meets requirements, when such material is controlled by
Government or commercial specifications referenced in any of the
contractual documents, and that certificates of conformance are
on file and available for review.
d. Number of items in the lot.
e. Date submitted.
The certificate shall be signed by a responsible agent of the
certifying organization. The initial certificate submitted
shall be substantiated by evidence of the agent's authority
to bind his principal. Substantiation of the agents authority
will not be required with subsequent certificates unless, during
the course of the contract, this authority is vested in another
agent of the certifying organization.
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