| MIL-F-48267 (PA)
5.1.2 Level C Packaging. - The IC after being mounted in
the conductive material of 5.1.1, shall be packed for shipment
in accordance with MIL-STD-1169.
5.2 Marking. - Marking of the carton shall comply with
5.3 Shipping. - When components from more than one lot
are shipped as a carload, each lot shall be kept separate, and
the division between lots clearly indicated to prevent mixing
of the lots in transit.
6.1 Ordering data .-Procurement documents shall specify
the following:
a. Title, number and date of this specification.
b. Data cards. - Data cards shall be prepared for eac
lot in accordance with the information specified in Standard
Inspection code numbers.-The five digit code number
assigned to the inspections herein are to facilitate future
data collection and analysis by the Government. They should
be cited as references on drawings of equipment designs sub-
mitted by the contractor to the Government for approval (see
6.3 Inspection Equipment Designs.-Inspection equipment
designs are of two types - Government Special Inspection Equip
ment (SIE) designs and contractor designs. SIE designs are
designated by drawing numbers under the "Method of Inspection"
headings in Section 4. Design responsibility for all other
inspection equipment is assigned to the contractor. The
contractor need not furnish any design when a complete Govern-
ment SIE design is provided. Unless otherwise specified, how-
ever, the contractor may submit alternate or modified con-
tractor designs of SIE in accordance with 6.3.2 and 6.3.3
should he elect to do so.
6.3.1 SIE designs. -SIE designs-may consist of any of the
a. Detailed drawings which completely depict all infor
mation necessary for the fabrication and use of the item of
inspection equipment.
b. A source control drawing or a specification control
drawing as defined in MIL-STD-100.
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