| ![]() MIL-F-48673 (AR)
Step d.
With the test item de-energized, adjust the chamber test
conditions to O C and ambient pressure. After the test
item temperature has stabilized, the chamber door shall be
opened and frost permitted to form on the test item.
When the chamber door is opened, it is intended that frost
will form; however, should the relative humidity of the air
be such that frost will not form, an artificial means shall
be used to provide the relative humidity necessary to have
frost form.
The door shall remain open long enough for the frost to
melt, but not long enough for the moisture to evaporate.
The chamber door shall be closed.and the test item operated
at the highest specified input voltage to ascertain
satisfactory operation immediately following the specified
warmup time. The test item shall be energized and
de-energized at least three times.
Standard Ambient, Atmospheric
Step e.
Adjust the chamber test conditions to standard ambient
conditions After the test item temperature has
. stabilized, an operational and performance check of the
test item shall be made and the results compared with the
data previously taken and evaluated using the failure
criteria of Sections 4.4 and 4.4.1.
85 C Atmospheric
Step f.
With the test item de-energized, adjust the chamber test
conditions to 85 C and ambient pressure. The test item
temperature shall be stabilized and then maintained for at
least 16 hours. At the conclusion of this time period,
where practicable, the test item shall be visually
inspected for any deterioration.
550 Atmospheric
Step g.
With the test item de-energized, adjust the chamber test
conditions to 55 C and ambient pressure. After the test
item temperature has stabilized and while maintaining the
chamber temperature, operate the test item continuously at
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