| ![]() MIL -F-4
8673 (AR )
test set s h a l l be dropped
once on each corn er us ing a
qu i ck- r` e l e a s e hook from a he i gh t of 12 inches onto 2- inch pl ywood
ba eked con cr ete (8 total).
ReP at f or ea ch ed ge
(12 total
Re P at f or ea ch
fa Ce
for a toItal of 26 dropIs
4. Post drop inspection/operation. Upon completi on o f
the transit drops, the test set shall be operated per paragra ph
4.5.1 and inspected. There shall be no evidence of damage to to the
case, such as openings along any joint, loosening of partitioins
splitting or cracking of case material. Any partial or total
opening of catches shall be cause for rejection of the case. The
case and cover shall function in the same manner as prior to the
drop tests. Record the results on data sheets.
Transit drop
Test conditions
Transit Drop from 1 2" for
total of 26 drops Salt atmosphere. The FCC-FTS shal l be subjected to the
t es t Method 509.1 of MIL-STD-81O.
Operation of t he FCC-FTs shall
not be required during testing and failure crit er ia shall be limited
to corrosion of finishes and metals only.
Such cor rosion shall be
de f ined as visible degradation of the equipment s ur faces that can be
att ributed to flakey, pitted, blistered, or oth er wi se loosened
fin ish of metal surface. Fungus. The FCC-FTS s hall be subjected to the test of
Method 508.1, Procedure I, of MIL-ST D-81O. Gasket sealed or other
non-hermetic sealed test items shall be opened during test exposure
and all internal and external surfac es shall be sprayed with spore
suspension. Operation of the equipm ent is not required during
testing, but examination of the cone entration after exposure period
shall reveal no evidence of viable f ungus on any surface. .1 Expl osi ve Atmosphere
The FCC-FTS shall be subj ected
to test Met hod 5 11.1 procedure II
f MIL-STD-81O, except test shal 1
be limited to a ma x im um altitude
20,000 feet. At the concl usion
of this tes t, subj ect t he system
the performance tests of T`able
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