| ![]() MIL-F-50994 (MU)
the exception that the fuze shall not be disassembled and inspected
after the Jolt test. After the completion of the Jolt test, the
same fuze shall be subjected to and must withstand the Jumble test
specified in MIL-STD-331.
3.4.4 Forty-foot drop. - The complete fuze assembly shall
withstand the forty-foot drop test specified in MIL-STD-331. To
satisfy the requirements of MIL-STD-331, the disassembled fuze
must display the following conditions:
a. No loose explosive shall be present in the fuze
body assembly.
b. The lock roller pin on the rotor shall not be broken.
c. The rotor shall be in the safe position, secured such
that it cannot be turned to the armed position with finger
d. The g-weight shall be in fully safe position.
3.4.5 Operational Tests. - The unarmed fuzes shall be sub-
jected to and must withstand the following operational tests:
Five Foot Drop Test as specified in MIL-STD-331; Non-Environment
Test - Non-Arm and Arming Times only: Functional Test - Aircraft
Vibration, Method 514, Curve Z, as specified in MIL-STD-810.
The vibration conditioning shall be continuously performed until
completed. After completion of the Five Foot Drop Test and the
Functional Test, including the acceptance criteria for these tests
(leak test, non-arming test, and arming time test), the same fuzes
shall be tested for high order functioning.
3.4.6 Seal leakage test. - The leakage in the fuze shall not
cause a pressure drop greater than 0.00072 psi in 10 sec.
3.4.7 Fuze Firing Point Detonating Mode. - The fuze assembly shall
function the explosive elements when a weight is dropped onto the
nose of the fuze. Bunker Mode. - The fuze assembly in the bunker mode
shall function the explosive elements when the fuze is dropped
nose-down onto a steel plate.
3.5 Workmanship. - All parts and assemblies shall be free from
burrs, chips, sharp edges, cracks, unblended radii, surface de-
fects, dirt, grease, rust, porosity, warpage, burn marks, checks,
blisters, excess flash, corrosion products and other foreign
matter. The cleaning method used shall not be injurious to any
part nor shall the parts be contaminated by the cleaning agents.
Surface coating shall be continuous except for a few slight
scratches not exposing base material. The loading and assembly
operations shall be performed in a thorough workmanlike manner
consistent with the best practices of the industry. All required
marking shall be neat and sharply defined.
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