| MIL-F-50994 (MU)
4.3.4 Inspection Equipment. - Equipment Tabulation Number ET
9271602 identifies the inspection equipment required to perform
the examinations and tests prescribed in this section. The con-
tractor shall design inspection equipment in accordance with the
instructions in paragraph 6.3. Government rights to documentation. - Inspection equip-
ment drawings and lists provided and revised in accordance with the
requirements of the ET may be used by DOD activities for design,
procurement, manufacture, testing, evaluation, production and
receiving inspection, overhaul, shipping, storage, identification of
stock , ordering and storage of replacement parts, inspection of items
at overhaul, general maintenance of equipment, construction, survey
and whenever inspection equipment drawings are needed.
4.4 Test methods and procedures.
4.4.1 Spring embrittlement. - The spring shall be stretched
along its longitudinal axis, in the case of a coil spring, or bent
in the case of a flat spring, until the spring no longer returns to
its original position. When the spring no longer returns to its
original length or profile, it shall be considered distorted per-
manently. Any spring that breaks prior to this point shall be
classed defective.
4.4.2 Setback weight spring set. - The springs shall be mea-
ured at their original free length, assembled in a restraining
fixture in accordance with 4.3.4 and compressed to a normal height
of .750 inches, placed in an oven and subjected to a temperature
of not more than 180 degrees Fahrenheit (F.) or less than 175
degrees F. for 24 hours. The springs shall be removed from the
oven and be cooled to ambient temperature. After cooling the
springs for 24 hours, min. the springs shall be measured and the
measurement shall be compared to the original free length to
ascertain compliance with the specified requirement.
4.4.3 Retaining spring set. - The springs shall be measured at
their original free height, assembled in the restraining fixture
in accordance with 4.3.4 and left in the retainer for 24 hours.
After 24 hours the springs shall be removed from the fixture and
measured and the measurement shall be compared to the original
free height to ascertain compliance with the specified requirement.
4.4.4 S&A Mechanical Tests - Load test of No. 1 gear and pinion assembly
an axial load perpendicular to the No. 1 gear and in such a direc-
tion as to test the assembly of the No. 1 gear and pinion. The
resistive force shall act against the No. 1 gear. Upon removal
of the resistive force, the maximum permissible gap shall be in-
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