| ![]() MIL-F-50994 (MU)
4.4.14 Fuze Non-arming. - The fuze assembly with the g'weight
in the downward position shall be assembled to the test equipment
in accordance with 4.3.4. The equipment shall accelerate the
fuze assembly in a clockwise direction to 11.50 g's plus or minus
0.25 g's for a minimum of 3 seconds. X-ray examination shall be
made for rotor in the safe positions.
4.4.15 Jolt and Jumble. - The fuze assembly shall be subjected
to the Jolt test specified in Standard MIL-STD-331 with the excep-
tion that the fuze shall not be disassembled and inspected after
the Jolt test. After completion of the Jolt test the same fuze
shall be subjected to and withstand the Jumble test specified in
4.4.16 Forty Foot Drop. - The fuze assembly with warhead
assembly shall be subjected to the Forty Foot Drop test as speci-
fied in MIL-STD-331 with the exception that the complete round
shall be dropped base down only in a complete pack. The pack is
as specified on dwg.s 8886810 and 8886811.
4.4.17 Seal Leakage test. - The fuze assembly shall be checked
for leakage in to the S&A cavity. Fuze assemblies in accordance
with dwg. 9271602 shall be tested for the leakage rate past the
"O" ring in the booster cavity with the application of 5.0 plus
or minus 0.25 psig to the base of the fuze. The integrity of
the seals shall be verified by measuring the pressure drop per
unit time. A leak into the S&A cavity in excess of 0.00072 psi
in 10 sec. shall indicate excessive leakage and reject the fuze.
The test equipment calibration and equipment sensitivity shall be
in accordance with 4.3.4. Point detonating mode. The armed fuze shall be
installed in the test fixture in accordance with 4.3.4 and a mass of
50 to 51 pounds shall be dropped from a height of 5.0 to 5.5 feet onto
the nose of the fuze. The weight shall be dropped only once. Bunker mode. - The armed fuze shall be installed
in the drop fixture in accordance with 4.3.4 and then dropped from
a height of three feet. The fuze shall be dropped in the nose-down
configuration such that the fuze nose strikes a steel plate. The
fuze shall be dropped only once.
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