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attached to the cell wall by bolts, screws, ce-
class, style, and the part number of the fitting
ment, or a vulcanizing process.
desired. If the fittings are to be packed for
6.3.3 "O" ring fittings. Fittings of this type
overseas shipment it shall be so stated. The
shall use seals conforming functionally to the
procuring officer shall state the unit quantities
requirements of Specification MILP-5315 and
for packaging. (See 1.2.)
dimensionally to Standard MS29513. Gaskets
6.2.1 Preproduction tests. The procurement
consisting of partial "O" ring sections bonded
document should specify that four fittings will
to metal may be used provided they meet the
be required as preproduction samples and that
requirements of this specification.
these preproduction samples will be subjected
6.3.4 Gasket fittings. Fittings of this type
to the Preproduction tests to determine con-
shall use seals of flat sheet configuration utiliz-
formance to the requirements of the specifica-
ing a combination of synthetic rubber and other
tion. Contracts, purchase orders, and invita-
materials conforming to the requirements of
tion for bids should specify where the Prepro-
Specifications MIL-G-6183 and MIL-A-7021.
duction test samples should be sent, the activity
Notice: When Government drawings, specifications,
responsible for testing, and instructions con-
or other data are used for any purpose other than in
connection with a definitely related Government pro-
cerning the submittal of the test reports. Ap-
curement operation, the United States Government
proval of a preproduction sample of a given
thereby incurs no responsibility nor any obligation
part number fitting, which has been submitted
whatsoever; and the fact that the Government may
for approval as a specific type and class fitting,
have formulated, furnished, or in any way supplied
the said drawings, specifications, or other data is not
will constitute approval for future application
to be regarded by implication or otherwise as in any
of that fitting and fittings of the same design.
manner licensing the holder or any other person or
6.3 Definitions. For purposes of this speci-
corporation, or conveying any rights or permission to
manufacture, use, or sell any patented invention that
fication the following definitions are applicable.
may in any way be related thereto.
6.3.1 Assembly fittings. Assembly fittings
are defined as metallic parts used to complete
Army--Transportation Corps
the assembly of cell mounted fittings to sur-
Navy-Bureau of Aeronautics
rounding structure or other cells.
Air Force
6.3.2 Cell mounted fittings. Cell mounted
Preparing activity:
fittings are defined as those fittings which are
Air Force.

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