| ![]() MIL-F-600020(MU)
4.2.3 Rejection. If any assembly `r
tual requirements. Severity of Government
inspection of individual characteristic will
component fails to comply with the applica-
ble requirements, the initial production
be directly related to the seriousness of the
sample shall be rejected. In the event of
classification assigned. In no instance will
a characteristic classified "critical" be ac-
rejection, the Government reserves the right
to require the contractor to take corrective
cepted soley on the basis of the contractor's
action' and submit new or supplemental
quantities until such time as an acceptable
sample is submitted, or until otherwise di-
4.2 Initial production inspection.
rected by the contracting officer.
4.3 Inspection provisions.
4.2.1 Submission. Prior to normal pro-
duction the contractor shall submit an initial
4.3.1 Lot formation. A lot shall consist
production sample consisting of (*)
of parts produced by one manufacturer in
consecutively produced assemblies and com-
one unchanged process, in accordance with
plete sets of parts (i.e. 50 each of every
the same drawing, same drawing revision,
individual component and subassembly),
same specification, and same specification
which have been produced by the produc-
revision. Drawing, specifications, and proc-
tion process which the contractor been use
ess changes not affecting safety perform-
in f fulfilling the contract, to a Government-
ance or fit, as determined by the Govern-
approved facility designated by the con-
ment shall not necessitate changing the lot
tracting officer. All parts and materials
shall be obtained from the same source of
supply as will be used in regular production.
4.3.2 Examination. Sampling plans and
The initial production sample shall be ac-
procedures for the following classifications
companied by certificates of analyses for
of defects shall be in accordance with Stand-
all materials A sample l -hmll also be sub-
----- ----
ard MIL-STD-165D except that inspection
mitted whenever a change occurs in manu-
for critical defects, when listed, shall be
facturing process, material used, drawing,
100 percent. Continuous sampling plans in
specification, or source of supply such as to
accordance with Standard MIL-STD-1235
significantly affect product uniformity as
may be used if approved by the procuring
determined by the Government.
activity. Also, at the option of the procur-
ing activity, AQL's and sampling plans may
be applied to the individual characteristics
4.2.2 Inspections to be performed. Each
listed using an AQL of 0.26 percent for
assembly and component shall be inspected
each major defect and an AQL of 0.40 per-
by the Government for all the inspection
cent for each minor defect. Equipment
specified in 4.3.2 and 4.8.9 of this specifi-
necessary for the performance of the in-
cation and for all additional requirements
spections listed shall be in accordance with
of the applicable drawings.
4.8.4. Gasket (see dwg.) 8866649 covering a detail of dwg. 8866648
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