| MIL-F-60020(MU)
4.1.1 Contractor quality assurance sys-
(a) A statement that the lot complies
with all quality assurance pro.
The contractor shall provide and
visions of the approved current
maintain an effective quality assurance sys-
written description of the sys-
tem in compliance with the requirements of
Specification MIL-I-45208. The contractors
quality assurance system shall contain a
(b) Number of units of product in-
procedure for the reporting of critical de-
fective found during the course of his
inspection and during inspection by the Gov-
(c) Results obtained for all inspection
ernment. Any critical defect encountered,
unless annotated by an asterisk (*) to the
right of the characteristic code number (see
(d) Drawing. specification number and
6.2), will be reported within 48 hours. A
date, together with an identi-
monthly summary report covering those
fication and date of changes.
critical defects annotated by an asterisk will
be furnished. The agencies to whom the
(e) Certificates of compliance on 811
reports will be furnished are identified in
material purchased directly by
paragraph 6.6. The reports shall contain,
the contractor when such ma-
as a minimum, the following information:
terial is controlled by Govern-
ment specifications referenced
(a) Contractor and contract number.
is any of the contractual docu-
(b) Number and revision date of speci-
(f) Number of items in the lot. .
(c) Characteristic Code Number.
(g) Date submitted.
(d) Lot or serial number.
The certificate shall be signed by a respon-
(e) Number of defectives found.
sible agent of the certifying organization.
The initial certificate submitted shall be
(f) Assignable cause or analysis of
substantiated by evidence of the agent's au-
thority to bind his principal. Substantiation
of the agent's authority will not be required
with subsequent certificates unless, during
(g) Corrective action taken or recom-
mended. When the corrective
the course of the contract, this authority is
action is beyond the control of
vested in another agent of the certifying
the contractor or the scope of
contract, the report shall con-
tain the contractor's recom-
4.1.3 Government verification Using the
mendation to the Government.
contractor's written quality assurance pro-
cedure, this detail specification, the appli-
4.1.2 Submission of product. At the time
cable drawings and other contractual docu-
the completed lot of product is submitted
ments as a guide, the Government inspector
to the Government for acceptance the con-
will verify at unscheduled intervals all
tractor shall supply the following informa-
quality assurance operations performed by
tion accompanied by a certificate which
the contractor. Verification will be in ac-
attests that the information provided is cor-
cordance with Specification MIL-I-45208
rect and applicable to the product being
and will be performed to the extent neces-
sary to assure compliance with the contrac-
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