| ![]() Plating of components (see ap-
ness, environmental, and acceptance criteria
plicable drawing). For each component de-
as applicable shall be as modified herein. In
termination of compliance with the applica-
all tests actual components shall be used
ble requirements for plating shall be in ac-
(separate panels or specimens are not per-
cordance with the provisions of Standard
MIL-STD-171, except that sampling, thick-
mitted). Plating thickness test (drop Plating adhesion test -- Major
test) -- Major defect. A random sample of
defect. A random sample of five units shall
five units shall be selected from each lot of
be selected from each lot of plated compo-
plated component for this test. A mini-
nents for this test. Failure of one or more
mum of four readings shall be taken on each
sample units to comply with the applicable
unit. If this minimum plating thickness on
requirement shall be cause for rejection.
any single article is less than 70 percent of
The test shall be performed using equipment
the specified thickness, (0.00015 inches) the
in accordance with 4.3.4.
lot shall be rejected. The minimum thick-
ness measured on each article shall be re-
corded, and the average value computed by Surface treatment of components
dividing the sum of the minimum thick-
(ace applicable drawing) -- Major defect.
nesses by five. If the average minimum
A random sample of five units shall be se-
thickness is less than the specified thickness
lected from each lot of treated components
the lot shall be rejected. The test shall be
for this test. Failure of one or more sample
performed using equipment in accordance
with 4.9.4.
units to meet the requirements shall be
cause for rejection. For aluminum parts Salt spray test -- Major defect.
the corrosion resistance test in accordance
A random sample of five units shall be
with Specification MIL-A-5625A shall be
selected from each lot of plated components
performed. For zinc parts the salt spray
for this test. Failure of one or more sam-
test in accordance with Specification MIL-
ple units to meet the applicable requirement
T-12879 shall be performed. In all tests
shall be cause for rejection. The teat shall
be performed as specified in 4.4.4 using
actual components shall be used (separate
equipment in accordance with 4.3.4.
panels or specimens are not permitted).
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