| ![]() MIL-F-60020(MU)
moved from the parts assembly. The
assembly shall be subjected to a pull, not to
exceed three pounds, applied to a rate of
one foot minimum per minute, to the re-
lease pin ring parallel to the axis of the
release pin. The assembly shall then be
subjected to a pressure, not to exceed eight
pounds, applied at a rate of one foot, mini-
4.3.4 Inspection Equipment. Index of
mum, per minute, to any one prong or
Inspection Equipment Lists Number IEL-
equally distributed to all three prongs paral-
9200011 identifies the inspection equipment
lel to the axis of the head assembly. Obser-
required to perform the examinations and
vation shall be made for functioning as
tests prescribed in this section. The con-
evidence of noncompliance with 8.4 (see
tractor shall design inspection equipment
6.4) .
in accordance with the instruction in para-
graph 6.3
4.4.2 Functioning The cotter pin and Government rights to documenta-
the safety pin shall be removed in that
tion. Inspection equipment drawings and
order. The sample shall be divided in half.
lists provided and revised in accordance
One-half of the sample shall be subjected
with the requirements of the IEL may be
to a pull, not to exceed 10 pounds, applied
used by DOD activities for design, procure
at a rate of one foot per minute, to the
ment, manufacture, testing, evaluation, pro-
release pin ring parallel to the axis of the
duction and receiving inspection, overhaul,
release pin. The remaining half of the
shipping, storage, identification of stock,
sample shall be subjected to a pressure, not
ordering and storage of replacement of
to exceed 20 pounds, applied at a rate of one
parts, inspection of items at overhaul, gen-
foot maximum, per minute, to the prongs'
eral maintenance of equipment, construction,
parallel to the axis of the assembly. Obser-
survey and wherever inspection equipment
vation shall be made for functioning as
drawings are needed.
evidence of compliance with 3.5. Fuzes so
tested shall not be returned to the lot. Un- Supply and maintenance Supply
damaged components may be used in future
and maintenance of the equipment listed on
the IEL shall be in accordance with Speci-
fication MIL-I-45607.
4.4.3 Spring embrittlement. The springs
and rings shall be pulled to the minimum Government we of contractor's
point of permanent distortion by any method
inspection equipment. The contractor shall
approved by the procuring activity. Springs
as required make available to the Govern-
and rings so tested shall be scrapped.
ment all inspection equipment necessary for
determining conformance with contract re-
quirements. Operation of the equipment
4.4.4 Salt spray resistance. The test
and verification of its accuracy shall be sup-
shall be performed as specified in QQ-Z-325
plied by the contractor, as required by the
for zinc plated parts and as specified in
Government in performance of its examina-
QQ-P-416 for cadmium plated parts with
tion or test.
the exception that exposure shall consist of
24 hours white salts and 48 hours red rust.
Parts so tested shall be scrapped or re-
4.4 Test methods and procedures.
4.4.1 Nonfunctioning. The firing pin
safety pin and the cotter pin shall be re-
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