| ![]() MIL-F-60020(MU)
of inspection equipment. The contractor
approval to the inspection element of the
need provide no design when an Ordnance
agency administering the contract.
design is listed for an item of inspection
equipment. Ordnance designs fall into two
6.3.6 Contractor designs. Contractor de-
basic classifications; mandatory and non-
signs are designs of inspection equipment
mandatory. When an Inspection Equip-
for which the Government has assigned
ment List references mandatory Ordnance
design responsibility to the contractor. Con-
designs, the contractor shall comply with,
tractor designs shall be supported by de-
and use these designs accordingly. The
tailed drawings which depict all information
contractor may, however, in connection with
necessary to completely fabricate, calibrate
nonmandatory designs and with the ap-
and operate an item of inspection equip-
ment. This requires that the necessary
proval of the Government, design alternate
inspection equipment or use comparable
views, dimensions, materials, finish, notes,
commercial equipment to facilitate his op-
operating and calibration instructions be
erations. Such contractor prepared designs
properly depicted in accordance with ap-
or commercial equipment selections must be
proved practices to the extent that further
approved by the Government prior to fab-
calculation or clarification will not be re-
rication or procuring of the equipment. De-
quired Contractor designs identified as
signs shall be submitted for approval as
CDCF may be developed on the format the
specified in 6.3.7.
contractor normally employs in his equip-
ment design procedure provided such format
reflects the detail and information specified
6.3.4 Spec- fication control drawings.
above. Contractor designs identified as
Specification control drawings depict the
CDOF shall comply with the format and re-
minimum equipment requirements in out-
quirements of ORDM 608-12, and, in addi-
line, descriptive, diagrammatic, or pictorial
tion, contain the detail and information
form only and specify the required perform-
specified above.
ance or other characteristics. Contractors
must prepare detailed drawings (see 6.3.6)
6.3.7 Submission of contractor designs
of their designs in support of specification
Designs shall be submitted for approval to
control drawings. These contractor pre-
the Commanding officer, Picatinny Arsenal,
pared designs must be approved by the
ATTN: SMUPA-ND. Design review will
Government prior to the fabrication or
normally be accomplished within one month
procuring of the equipment. Commercial
after receipt by Picatinny Arsenal. Partial
equipment meeting the requirements of
submission of inspection equipment designs
specification control drawings may be ap-
is permissible and encouraged. However,
proved if described in sufficient detail to
the Arsenal completion date for design re-
permit identification and evaluation by the
view will be based on the date of the final
Government. Designs shall be submitted
submission of designs.
for approval as specified in 6.3.7.
The fuze assembly,
6.4 Functioning.
less igniter assembly, shall be considered
6.3.5 Commercial equipment. Commercial
to have functioned if the firing pin is re-
equipment is inspection equipment that has
leased and capable of clearing the assembly
universal application for a specific function.
when tested.
It is comprised of items commonly used
by industry and government. Contractors
are not required to furnish drawings of
6.5 Submission of critical defect reports.
commercial inspection equipment but a list
For U.S. Army Munitions Command pro-
of such equipment must be approved by the
curements, one copy of each critical defect
Government. Lists shall be submitted for
report will be furnished the cognizant Gov-
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