| MIL-F-60020(MU)
6.3.1 Inspection Equipment Lists. In-
spection Equipment Lists indicate the avail-
5.1.1 Level C. The parts and assemblies
ability of inspection equipment designs by
for Fuze, Mine, Combination M10A2 shall
showing in the "number" column of the list
be packaged in accordance with Specifica-
of inspection equipment (00 Form 1242-3)
tion MIL-P-10025 in such a manner that no
the numbers of drawings of existing equip
damage will occur during shipment.
ment designs or codes as indicated in 6.3.2.
Design action required of the contractor
with respect to the different types of draw-
5.2 Packing.
ings that may be listed is described in 6.3.3
and 6.3.4 Action required by the contrac-
5.2.1 Level C. The parts and assemblies
tor with respect to commercial inspection
for Fuze, Mine, Combination M10A2 shall
equipment is described in 6.3.5 The con-
be packed in accordance with Drawing
tractor will be required to prepare detailed
8882274 and Specification MIL-P-10025.
drawings in accordance with 6.8.6 for all
Separately designated items shall not be
the equipment coded as "contractor design"
packed together as a single assembly.
in the number column. Those contractor
designs must be approved by the Govern-
5.3 Data cards. Data card information
ment prior to fabrication or procuring of
shall be as specified in Specification MIL-
the equipment. Designs shall be submitted
for approval as specified in 6.3.7.
5.4 Shipping. When component parts
6.3.2 Inspection Equipment List codes.
from more than one lot are shipped as a
The inspection equipment as defined in 6.3.3.
carload, each lot shall be kept separate and
6.3.4, 6.3.5, and 6.3.6 will be designated in
the division between lots clearly indicated
the Inspection Equipment List by the fol-
to prevent mixing of lots in transit.
lowing codes:
55 Marking and labeling. Marking of
CDOF -- Contractor's design respon-
cartons shall be in accordance with Specifi-
sibility on Ordnance for-
caiton MIL-P-10025.
mat ; ORDM-608-12.
CDCF -- Contracotr's design respon-
sibility on contractor for-
6.1 Ordering data. Procurement docu-
ments shall specify the following:
-- Ordnance design.
(a) Title, number and date of this
ODMU -- Ordnance design. m a n d a -
tory for use.
6.2 Inspection code numbers. `The five
digit code numbers assigned to the inspec-
-- Commercial equipment.
tions herein are to facilitate future data
-- Specification Control Draw-
collection and analysis by the Government.
6.3 Inspection equipment. The contrac-
6.3.3 Ordnance designs. Ordnance de-
tor shall design inspection equipment as
signs are reflected on detailed drawings
required by the referenced Inspection
Equipment Lists ( IEL) in accordance with
which completely depict all the information
necessary for the fabrication of the item
the instructions of 6.3.1 through 6.3.7.
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