| ![]() MIL-F-60037C (PA)
4.5 Test methods and procedures.
4.5.1 Resistance of circuit. - The circuit shall be
tested for resistance by means of a suitable resistance
measuring instrument capable of measuring the electrical
resistance between zero and two ohms in intervals of hun-
dredths of an ohm and have a short circuit current of 10
mini-amperes, max.
*4.5.2 Aircraft vibration. - Prior to the test, the
squib circuit resistance shall be checked.
* Procedure. - The flare set AN/ALA-17 shall be
fastened in an ejector set, flare AN/ALE-20 with a torque of
140 inch pounds, plus 10 inch pounds for all vibration tests.
Where feasible, the flare with ejector set assembly shall be
tested with the airplane mounting brackets. Otherwise a rigid
test installation shall be made. Under no circumstances shall
the freedom of movement of the flare cartridge during vibra-
tion be impaired. In all cases, the flare with ejector set
assembly shall be attached either directly or through the
airplane mounting brackets, if feasible, to a test fixture
of' maximum rigidity. The test fixture should be designed to
eliminate or minimize fixture resonances in the test frequency
range. The test configuration shall be such that rotational
motion of the test fixture is not induced due to any unsymetri-
cal weight or stiffness distribution of the equipment item or
mounting brackets.
Measurements of vibratory accelerations or displacements
shall be made adjacent to the mounting points of the equipment
item. All frequency measurements shall be accurate within
plus or minus 5 percent. All displacement or acceleration
measurements shall be accurate within plus or minus 10 percent.
The motion of the vibrator table shall be simple harmonic motion
with not more than 20 percent distortion. The monitoring
control signal from the accelerometers shall be unfiltered.
The flare with ejector set assembly shall vibrate with
essentially simple harmonic motion in each of three mutually
perpendicular directions to explore for resonant frequencies
of component parts over the ranges of frequencies applicable
for the particular classification.
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