| ![]() MIL-F-63446B (AR)
(1) The shear wire is cut
(2) The firing pin has triggered
b. If the safety pin has removed itself from the fuze during the drop test, the fuze shall
be considered safe to handle and dispose of only if all of the following conditions are met:
(1) The shear wire has not been cut.
(2) The slider has not moved from the full safe position (i.e., the bore rider remains
completely contained within the fuze body).
(3) The firing pin has not triggered (i.e., the tail of the firing pin continues to
protrude outside the fuze beyond the firing pin cap).
Should any fuze tested fail to meet condition a. or b, it shall be considered a safety fuze failure. A
single safety failure shall reject the lot. Any fuze subjected to this test will be damaged and shall
not be returned to the production lot.
4.5.11 Thermal shock. A random sample of fuzes shall be selected from each production
lot and subjected to the Thermal Shock Test C7of MIL-STD-331. Each fuze shall be sealed in a
plastic bag prior to the test. After completion of the test, it shall be visually determined that
neither the shear wire nor the pin has broken or disengaged. Any such failure shall be considered
a safety failure and shall reject the lot. Operability shall be established by subjecting half the fuzes
to the Fuzing No-Go test and the remaining half to the Fuzing Go test. Any fuze that fails to pass
shall be considered an operability failure. A single Fuzing No-Go failure shall reject the lot. See
4.5.16 for the quantity of Fuzing Go failures that will reject the lot.
4.5.12 Shear wire pull test. A random sample of fuzes shall be selected from each
production lot and subjected to the Shear Wire Pull test. The fuzes shall be mated to a holding
fixture that allows an axial load to be applied to the arming pin. A load ceil shall be utilized to
measure the applied force within 0.1 pound. The load applying device must cause axial
displacement of the arming pin at a constant rate of .040 .030 inches per second. Any fuze of
the sample lot that requires less than 16 pounds or more than 22 pounds to cut the shear wire
shall be considered a failure. One failure below 15.5 pounds shall cause rejection of the lot. One
failure above 22.0 pounds shall trigger a retest. One failure during retest shall cause rejection of
the lot.
4.5.13 Safety pin pull test. A random sample of fuzes shall be selected from each
production lot and subjected to the Safety Wire Pull test. Prior to the test, the fuze shall be
assembled to a nest that will secure it traversely. It shall also be established visually that the shear
wire is intact before the pull testis performed. A load shall be applied to the safety pin and the
force required to remove it from the fuze measured. The load applying device must cause the
axial retraction of the safety pin from a constant rate of .040 .030 inches per second. An effort
less than 1 (one) pound or greater than 8 pounds shall be considered a failure. One failure below
one pound or two failures above 8 pounds shall reject the lot.
4.5.14 Arming time. A random sample of fuzes shall be taken from each production lot
Each fuze shall be assembled to a fixture that enables determination of the time required for the
slider to complete its arming stroke, which commences at the arming pin retraction and ends with
uncaging of the trigger. The design of the fixture shall be government approved. Upon release,
the slider must move into the anneal position in 1.50 .50 seconds. A fuze that fails to arm
within the prescribed time interval shall be considered a reject. A single reject below minimum
arming time shall reject the production lot. Two rejects above the maximum time or two jam-ups
shall reject the production lot. One jam-up shall result in a retest of 64 fuzes (32 hot, 32 cold).
One jam-up during the retest shall reject the production lot. Two rejects above the maximum
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