| ![]() MIL-F-81966(AS)
3.4 Performance - The performance of the equipment shall be as set forth below
plus any and all performance requirements stated on the drawings of DL 67A24F1 and
related lists. Unless otherwise specified, these requirements shall apply under
both standard and extreme service conditions. When reduced performance requirements
for service conditions are acceptable, such variations are specified. Unless
otherwise noted, the performance is specified with the Control Box and Power Supply
interconnected, operating power applied and the wheels interlock circuit closed in
accordance with the test circuit of figure 1. The high voltage output of the power
supply appears across pins A and B of 1J2 only when the pickle switch is closed (see
3.4.1 No Load Voltage Adjustments at Standard 0p erating Power Input. These
adjustments shall be made only once and only at the beginning of the series of
preproduction or acceptance tests listed in table 1. The equipment shall be
permitted to warm-up and stabilize prior to making these adjustments. All
applicable test requirements shall be met without further adjustment. The equipment
shall not be readjusted for each environmental exposure after the initial
adjustments have been made. VT Position - With the Fuze Function Control switch in the VT position
the power supply output shall be adjusted to +300 1.O volts d-c under standard
conditions. INST Position - With the Fuze Function Control switch in the INST
position the power supply output shall be adjusted to +195 1.0 volts d-c under
standard conditions.
3.4.2 No Load Voltage at Standard Operating Power Input - VT Position - With the Fuze Function Control switch in the O VT position,
the power supply output shall be within +1.0 volt of at 25 + 10 C. At all
other temperatures the output shall be within + 2.0 volts of DLY 2 Position - When the Fuze, Function control switch is switched
from the VT position to the DLY 2 position, the polarity of the power supply output
must be negative and the magnitude of the output voltage shall not vary more than
+0.5 volts from the voltage of INST Position - With the Fuze Function Control set in the INST
position, the power supply output shall be within + 0.8 volt of at 25 + 10C.
At all other temperatures the output shall be within + l.O volt of DLY 1 Position - When the Fuze Function Control switch is switched
from the INST position to the DLY 1 position, the polarity of the power supply
output must be negative and the magnitude of the output voltage shall not vary more
than + O.5 volt from the voltage of
3.4.3 No Load Output Voltage at Extreme Limits of A-C 0perating Power Inputs - With an operating power input of low line voltage and low line
frequency, the power supply output shall be as follows:
a. VT Position
- The output shall be within + l.O volt of
DLY 2 Position - The output shall be within + l.O volt of
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