| ![]() MIL-F-8615D Fuctional operation during tests. At least once each day during
the soak periods, components with moving parts shall be actuated. Intermittent
duty components shall be actuated through a minimum of 4 cycles. Continuous
duty or motor operated components shall be operated for 1 hour or a minimum
of 25 cycles. During dry periods, actuation shall be accomplished if the
component may be operated in the dry condition when installed. The item
specification shall provide the specific actuation requirements. Tests after each period. At the conclusion of each soak or dry
period, the component shall be actuated through 4 cycles or operated for
5 to 10 minutes and subjected to a leakage test. Following the Phase I and
II periods, the tests shall be conducted at room temperature. The fluid to
be used following the soak periods shall be Type III and following the dry
periods, Type I. Following the Phase III period the test shall be conducted
using Type I fluid, and repeated at room temperature.
at -57
The component actuation and leakage shall satisfy the specification, except
that following the dry periods, some increased leakage may be permitted for
no more than 15 minutes.
4.5.12 Endurance. The endurance test is applicable to nearly all fuel
system components in order to demonstrate as specified in 3.7.5. The test
shall be a simulation of the operating conditions of the component for its
design operational life between overhauls. It shall be accomplished without
disassembly, lubricative adjustment, or other maintenance, except as pro-
vialed by the specification. Calibration and leakage tests shall be accom-
plished following each phase to verify performance. For power operated
components, which are subjected to variations in power input, the test should
be conducted with these variations. The test set-up shall not provide for
surge pressure relief and should simulate the aircraft installation insofar
as practical. If operation of the unit causes pressure surges, the instru-
mentation shall automatically record the rate of pressure change and the
pressure peaks and valleys. Altitude. When applicable, this test shall be conducted at the
various critical operating conditions occurring at altitude. If operation
at altitude produces some special effect, such as slow start-up, overspeed,
or heating, the test should include a reasonable number of these cycles or
duration of time for the special effect. This test shall comprise at least
20 percent of the total endurance test. High temperature. The high temperature endurance test is applicable
to all components and shall consist of 20 percent of the total required endur-
ance test. The fluid and ambient temperature shall be in accordance with the
appropriate class.
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