| ![]() MIL-F-8615D Low temperature. The low temperature endurance test is applicable
to all components and shall consist of at least 10 percent of the total required
endurance test. Dry. The dry-endurance test is applicable to all components which
may be operated dry when installed in aircraft. The test is applicable,
whether the operation occurs by design or is inadvertent. If the unit contains
an automatic dry shut-off feature, the dry endurance test shall demonstrate
the operation of this feature. The dry endurance shall consist of at least
5 percent of the total endurance test. The test shall consist of at least
four periods of dry operation between periods of wet operation. The test
chamber temperature shall be the high ambient temperature of the component
class. Room temperature. The room temperature endurance test shall consist
of the remaining portion of the unassigned endurance hours or cycles after the
other phases have been assigned their share. The room temperature endurance
test may normally be conducted first. Combining of tests. Half of the high temperature and low tempera-
ture endurance runs may be combined with the altitude test; especially when
the combinations simulate a realistic operating environment.
4.5.13 Contaminated fuel test. This test is applicable to all components
required to perform the endurance test as specified in 4.5.12. Contaminated test fluid. The test fluid shall contain the types
and concentration of the contaminant mixture as specified in.table V. The
fluid circuit shall insure that the contaminants remain in suspension in the
fluid and enter the component under test. The contaminant shall normally not
be recirculated. Test method. The component shall be subjected to rated flow and
pressure for 2-1/2 hours or 500 cycles and to 10 to 25 percent rated flow
for 2-1/2 hours or 500 cycles. The operation of the component during this
time shall be in accordance with the specification. For components with no
moving parts, the above test shall be sufficient. For components with opera-
ting parts, the above test shall be repeated once. If fuel flows in both
directions when installed in a system, then the test shall be conducted with
flow in both directions. Tests following contaminated fuel endurance. Following the above
tests, the component may be flushed with fuel to loosen contaminant, but it
may not be disassembled for cleaning. The component shall satisfy a func-
tional and leakage test in accordance with the item specification.
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