| ![]() Accelerated corrosion. The component (except for open electrical
connectors) with all fuel ports open, shall be submerged and, if practical,
operated manually or otherwise for 3 cycles in a saturated salt solution.
The unit shall then be drained for 30 seconds and operated as necessary to
remove trapped salt solution. The component shall be placed immediately in
a test chamber maintained at a temperature of 30 2C with a relative humid-
ity of 100 percent for a period of 20 minutes. Upon completion of the
humidity exposure period, the unit shall be placed in an air oven maintained
at a temperature of 55 to 60C for a period of 20 minutes. The component
shall not be operated again until a total of 50 immersions, high humidity,
and drying cycles have been completed. Immediately after completion, the
component shall be washed with warm water, dried, wetted with fuel, and
actuated as in normal service. Salt fog. The component shall be subjected to salt fog in accord-
ance with MIL-STD-810, Method 509.1. At the end of the test period, the
component shall be washed with warm water to remove the deposits, dried,
wetted with fuel, and actuated as in normal service.
4.5.15 Strength. The following strength tests shall be conducted for first
article and sampling inspections in accordance with the item specification.
Following each test, leakage and calibration tests shall be conducted. Mechanical shock. The component shall be subjected to a crash
safety test in accordance with the requirements of the shock tests of
MIL-STD-810, Method 516.2. The mounting shall simulate the aircraft instal-
lation with tubing and electrical wiring. Fluid cavities may be filled with
water, and pressure may be applied, if required. The component shall demon-
strate as specified in and the item specification. Mechanical load. With the component mounted in the normal manner,
it shall be subjected to the most severe tension, compression, bending, or
torsional loads that would be expected to occur in service to demonstrate
as specified in and with the item specification. There shall be no
evidence of failure, permanent distortion, excessive leakage or deterioration
in performance. Overspeed. Overspeed tests shall be conducted to demonstrate as
specified in item specification requirements and 3.6.17.
4.5.16 Electrical. The following tests are applicable to components incor-
porating electrical equipment. Electrical actuators. Tests shall be conducted to demonstrate in
accordance with MIL-S-4040 and MIL-M-7969 as applicable.
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