| ![]() MIL-F-8615D Electrical insulation tests Dielectric withstanding voltage. A test shall be conducted in
accordance with MIL-STD-202, Method 301, and table VI. There shall be no dis-
ruptive discharge, flashover, or breakdown. Leakage current shall not exceed
the requirements as specified in
Dielectric test voltages (AC).
* If not specified, use 20 mm Hg pressure. Insulation resistance. The insulation resistance test shall be
conducted in accordance with MIL-STD-202. For equipment operating
at less than 250 volts rms, the test potential shall be 500 volts. For equip-
ment operating at voltages between 250 and 500 volts rms, the test potential
shall be 1,000 volts. The insulation resistance shall not be less than as
specified in Explosion proof. The test shall be conducted in accordance with
MIL-STD-810, Method 511.1, Procedure II or IV, as applicable, and with the
following modifications:
a. The fuel to be used shall be the principal fuel to be used in service.
If a different fuel is used, additional tests shall be conducted to demon-
strate that the explosive vapor possesses the same rate of pressure rise
and peak pressure as the fuel to be used in service.
b. The chamber temperature shall be the high vapor temperature
table I unless it can be shown that a lower temperature provides equivalent
c. The electrical equipment shall be operated for sufficient time for the
temperature of the equipment to stabilize and demonstrate that no external
hot spot exists to cause a fire or explosion.
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