| ![]() MIL-F-8615D
shall be
-10"C, and
(+1C, -4C). Upon completion of each run,
the fuel-water mixture shall contain not less than 0.12 ml of water per liter
of fuel above the quantity required to saturate the fuel.
4.5.18 Environmental. The following environmental inspections and tests,
as applicable, shall be conducted in accordance with the item specification.
There shall be no degradation in performance except as permitted in the
specification. Humidity. This test applies to all components containing electri-
cal equipment and shall be conducted in accordance with MIL-STD-810, Method
507.1, Procedure II or III. Component operation during the test shall be
in accordance with the item specification. Within 2 hours of the completion
of the last cycle, a calibration shall be conducted in fuel at -S7 Fungus resistance. This test applies to all components containing
any material that can be a nutrient or be damaged by fungi. The test shall
be performed in accordance with MIL-STD-810, Method 508.1, except that sub-
stitution of a specified fungus may be made, if authorized by the procuring
agency. Dust. This test applies to all components installed in vent systems
or external to fuel tanks. The test shall be performed in accordance with
MIL-STD-810, Method 510.1. Vibration. This test is applicable to all fuel system components
and shall be accomplished in accordance with MIL-STD-810, Method 514.2 and
the item specification. Components containing electrical switches shall
be monitored for contact bounce and contact resistance variations. Acoustical noise. The acoustical noise test is applicable to all
components located near a jet engine exhaust and other high noise level
areas. It shall be conducted in accordance with MIL-STD-810, Method 515.2. Thermal shock. The thermal shock test shall be performed in
accordance with MIL-STD-810, Method 516.2.
4.5.19 Bonding and lightning protection.
Tests shall be conducted to demon-
strate as specified in 3.6.4.
4.5.20 Disassembly and inspection. Following completion of all tests,
including repetition of inspections 2, 3, 4, and 5 of table III, each com-
ponent submitted to test shall be disassembled for inspection. There shall
be no evidence of any problem that will affect safety, performance, or cause
premature wearout. Photographs shall be taken of all parts and of any cri-
tical area discussed in the test report, as needed.
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