| MIL-G-1298A
packaging instructions cited on Drawings
and misfires occur during any of the tests,
51-70-1A, 51-71-1A, or 51-119-1A, as ap-
the machinegun shall be subjected to the
firing pin indent test; and in the event that
the firing pin blow is not within the speci-
fied limits, the machinegun shall not be ac-
cepted until properly corrected.
6.1 Ordering data. Procurement documents
4.4.2 Malfunctions n o t attributable to
should specify the following:
weapon. Malfunctions in any test assignable
(a) T i t l e , number, and date of this
to improper linking of ammunition, improper
feeding of ammunition up to weapon, or de-
fective ammunition, links or test equipment,
(b) Type of machinegun desired. (See
shall not count against the machinegun be-
ing tested.
(c) Marking, if different. (See 3.1.2.)
4.4.3 Rejections. Components or assemblies
(d) List of interchangeable components
rejected individually or by lots because of
and assemblies. (See 3.6. )
inspection or any test except the interchange-
ability and endurance tests may be condi-
(e) Requirements for erosion testing of
barrels. (See 3.15.)
tioned and resubmitted for inspection or test
in which failure occurred and such other in-
(f) Type of ammunition to be used in
spection and tests deemed necessary by the
test firing. (See )
Government inspector.
(g) N u m b e r of preproduction and
4.4.4 Interchangeability retest. If the ma-
m o n t h l y samples of guns and
parts required. (See )
chinegun representing any lot fail to meet
the specified requirements in the interchange-
(h) Place of inspection. (See 6.2.1.)
ability test, the lot shall be subject to retest
of double the number of machineguns as
Contractor's responsibility in con-
were in the original test.
nection with tests. (See 6.2.2. )
4.4.5 Endurance retest. If the machine-
6.2 Suggested contractual features.
gun representing any lot fails to meet the
specified requirements in the endurance test,
6.2.1 Place of inspection. unless otherwise
a retest shall be made, unless in the opinion
deemed necessary, place of inspection should
of the inspector the failure indicates serious
be at the plant of the prime contractor.
defects in the machineguns, in which case
retest shall be made only if authorized by the
6.2.2 Contractor's responsibility. Unless
procuring agency. In case a retest is made,
otherwise specified, all tests prescribed here-
the inspector shall select another machine-
in should be performed by the contractor
gun for the purpose from the lot under con-
under supenision of a Government inspector.
sideration. If a retest is not made or the ma-
chinegun selected therefor fails in the retest,
Notice.-This specification, together with specifica-
the lot shall be rejected subject to condition-
tions and drawings pertaining to it and bearing a
ing and further test.
"Notice" of similar restrictions, is intended for use
only in connection with procurement by the United
States Government; and shall not be reproduced
either wholly or in part except when authorized in
connection with Government procurement nor be used
5.1 Machineguns and spare parts shall be
f o r any other purpose except when specifically
prepared for shipment in accordance with
authorized by the Chief of Ordnance.
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