| ![]() S. 4.3 Motor. - Motor shall be in accordanoe with Specification MIL-M-12652.
3.4.4 Hydraulic transmission unit. - Hydraulic transmission unit shall be in
accordance with specification MIL-U-12114.
S. 5 Environmental
3.5. 1 Temperature. - The oil gear shall meet the eleotrical and performance
requirements of this specification within an air temperature range extending from
plus 51. 5C (+125 F) (minimum exposure of 4 hours with full impact of solar radia-
tion, 360 BTU/Ft. Sq/Hr. ), to minus 31. 2C (- 25F) (minimum exposure of 3 days
without benefit of solar radiation). The oil gear shall be capable of safe storage
plus 71C (+ 160 F) (for periods as
within the air temperature range extending from o
long as 4 hours per day) to minus 62.2* (- 80 F) (for periods of at Ieast 3 days
duration). Teat shall be conducted in accordance with 4.4.2.
3.5.2 Humidity
The oil gear shall meet the electrical and performance re-
quirements of this
specification immediately after being subjected to the humidity
test specified in 4.4.3.
3. 5. 3 Rain. - There shall be no evidence of water penetration or damage to the
oil gear after it be been subjected to the rain test in accordace with 4.4.4.
3.5.4 Vibration. - The oil gear shall not suffer damage or fail to meet the
electrical and performance requirement of this specification immediately after, being
subjected to the vibration test specified in 4.4. S.
3. S. 5 Shock- The oil gear shall not suffer damage or fail to meet the electrical
and performance requirement of this specification immediately after being subjected
to the shook test specified in 4.4.6.
3.6 Workmanship.
Workmanship shall be in accordance with Specification 61-7.
3.6.1 sealing. - The oil gear shall not leak Oil.
3.6.2 Cleanliness.- There shall be no evidence of dust, dirt, lint, or other
foreign matter in the oil which will affect proper operation of the oil gear.
4.1 General.- Unless otherwise specified, each oil gear shall be inspected for
conformance with this specification and Specification 51-7. Unless otherwise speci-
fied, standard ambient tests shall be performed at a temperature of 60 F to 90 F at a
barometric pressure of 28 to 32 inches of mercury and a relative humidity not greater
than 80 percent.
4.2 Electrical
4.2. 1 High POtential:- Electrical component of the oil gear shall be subjected
to a potential of 900 volts, with a frequency of 60 cycles per second for a period
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