| ![]() .
of one minute. Three of the first five and one out of every additional 50 or fraction
thereof shall be subjected to the test voltage which shall be applied at a rate not
exceeding 500 volts (rms) per second. For all other units the test voltage, shall be
applied instantaneously for a period of not less than 5 seconds or more than 30 sec-
onds. The motor capacitor and starting relay shall be disconnected to prevent damage.
Insulation resistance test shall be performed immediately after this test.
4.2.2 Insulation resistance. - The insulation resistance shall be measured by an
approved method using a source of d-o potential of 500 volts. The capacitor
shall be disconnected for this test.
4.2.3 Radio interference. The oil gear shall be tested for radio interference
in accordance with Specification MIL-S-10379.
4.3 Performance
4.3.1 Genera l.- Tests shall be conducted when hydraulic oil is at a temperature .
of 115F plus or minus 4 F.
4.9.2 Transmission and valve assembly .- All output values shall apply to both
clockwise and counterclockwise rotation.
ressure. - With assembly in place and power motor
4.& 2.1 Replenish
meet the requirements of 3.4. 1. 1.
energized, pressure sh
q PilOt piSton p0sitiOning q The position of pilot piston shall be tested
as follows:
Adjust synchro so that stops are equidistant from the pin on the differen- .
tial stator and the differential damping spring is in approximate horizon-
tal position.
Place unit in test stand.
Rough adjust for equal speed in both directions.
Electrically zero and adjust pilot piston for approximate zero output of
flywheel (60 rpm maximum of transmission output shaft).
Reenergize synchro and adjust motion of flywheel to approximate zero
(60 rpm maximum of transmission output shaft) by adjusting mechanical
zero lever.
differential synchro with electrical zero excitation@ approximate
zero output of flywheel (60 rpm maximum of transmission output shaft).
I Differential synchro. - The differential synchros shall be switched to
electrical zero connections and output speed shall be observed and recorded. If the .
hydraulic motor speed is greater than 60 rpm, loosen clamp screws and rotate
stator as required.
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