| ![]() MIL-G-18853C(OS)
4.6.1 Test procedure for vibration. The rate gyro, less pack or
packaging, shall be mounted securely with the mounting base horizontal
to the vibration device by means of its mounting holes and tested as
specified in and 4,6.1.2.
4.6,1.1 Vibration, nonoperating. The rate gyro shall be subjected
to the "Vibration, nonoperating condition" test of MIL-E-82590 and there-
after shall meet the requirements of Vibration; operating. The rate gyro shall be subjected to
the ` Vibration, operating" test of MIL-E-82590 and during and there-
after shall meet the requirements of
4.6.2 Test procedure for high temperature and humidity, nonoperating.
The rate gyro shall be subjected to the "High temperature and humidity,
nonoperating" test of MIL-E-82590 and thereafter shall meet the require-
ments of 3.6.2. Condensation from the test chamber shall not be allowed
to drop onto the rate gyro. Prior to checkout, wiping or air-hose
drying may be performed, but no drying by heating or baking shall be
4.6.3 Test procedure for freaqencv.
To test the rate gyro frequency
for the requirements of 3.3.9:
a. Connect the 115-volt, 400 Hz, three-phase power source to pins
A, B, and C of P601. Connect the 55-volt, 400 Hz, single-phase power
source to pins D and E of P601.
b. Connect pins F and H of P601 to the input of the oscilloscope
(Table I, Item 11).
c. Remove the cover (see Dwg 1523749).
d. Manually force the gimbal and motor subassembly over to a stop-
screw (Dwg 1539007) as shown on Dwg 1503477.
With the stop against the stopscrew, quickly release the stop.
f. Record the presentation with the camera attachment (Table I,
Item 12). From this record, calculate the natural frequency in Hertz
(Hz). This frequency must be within the limits specified in 3.3.9.
4.6.4 Test procedure for damping. To test the rate gyro damping for
the requirements of 3.3.10, calculate the damping from the record obtained
in 4.6.3.f. The damping shall be within the limits specified in 3.3.10.
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