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3.1 Description.  This specification covers a "free gyro," that is,
one having three degrees of freedom of rotation, which is used as a course
control element in Torpedo Mk 37 Mods 0, 2, and 3.  The gyro has
an efficiently designed gyro rotor with a high rotational moment of in-
ertia. When this rotor is spinning, it tends to maintain its axis fixed
in space regardless of the rolling, pitching, and yawing of the torpedo,
or of the rotation of the earth.  A Mk 22 synchro transmitter rotor is
attached to the gyro outer gimbal and the stator is mounted in the gyro
case.  Therefore, any turning of the torpedo causes a rotation between
the synchro rotor and stator, which generates a voltage that is fed to
the control system.  The gyro can be remotely set by current Fire Control
Systems. A braked servomotor in the gyro turns the synchro stator through
a gear train.  The brake is normally locked when the gyro is uncaged and
the servomotor is in the deenergized condition; the brake is unlocked when
the gyro is caged and the servomotor is energized. Therefore, the synchro
is used for remotely setting and controlling the torpedo, and the brake
prevents the synchro-setting gear train from creeping due to vibration
when not in use.  The gyro can be caged (held by both gimbals in a fixed
position relative to the torpedo) by application of 26 volts dc plus or
minus 3 volts.  Upon removal of this voltage (at the firing of the torpedo)
the gyro is uncaged.
A set of anticircular run (ACR) contacts is incorporated in the gyro
so that 165 to 175 degrees of turning of the torpedo in either direction
from its firing course will cause the contacts to close, which in turn
shuts off the torpedo.  Provision is made to withdraw these contacts
upon application of 26 volts dc plus or minus 3 volts, which is done when
the torpedo enables, thus permitting the torpedo to maneuver freely dur-
ing its attack.
3.2 General requirements
3.2.1 Data required.  No data is required by this specification (other
than reports accompanying samples submitted for preproduction and periodic
production testing), or by applicable documents referenced in Section 2,
unless specified in the contract or order (see 6.2).
3.2.2 Preproduction sample.  Unless otherwise specified in the contract
or order, five steering gyros shall be manufactured using the methods and
procedures proposed for the production lot. These units shall be tested
as specified in Section 4 herein and are for the purpose of determining,
prior to starting production , that the contractor's production methods
are capable of producing steering gyros that comply with the technical re-
quirements of the contract.  See 4.3.1.

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