| ![]() MIL-G-19027D(OS)
3.2.3 Materials. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, requisi-
tion, or order, all materials and purchased parts-entering into the final
assembly of the steering gyro shall conform strictly to the detailed re-
quirements indicated in the drawings and specifications listed in NAVORD
LD 620060.
3.2.4 Finishes, coatings, construction and dimensions. Finishes,
coatings, construction, and dimensions for the steering gyro shall be
strictly in accordance with applicable drawings, specifications, and pub-
lications listed in NAVORD LD 620060.
3.2.6 Marking. Marking of assemblies, subassemblies, and parts shall
be in accordance with the applicable drawings listed in NAVORD LD 620060.
3.2.7 Threads. Unless otherwise specified, all threads shall be in ac-
cordance with National Bureau of Standards Handbook H28. The class or fit
for threads shall be as specified on the applicable drawings.
3.2.8 Conflicting requirements. Conflicting requirements arising be-
tween this specification or any specifications, publications, or drawings
listed herein shall be referred in writing to the procuring agency or ap-
pointed agent for interpretation and clarification.
3.3.1 Caging. The steering gyro shall have an electrical caging and
uncaging arrangement as follows: Caging voltage. The caging voltage, which energizes and un-
locks the brake on the servomotor, shall be 26 plus or minus 3 volts dc. Caging contact. The contacts at pins P and R of P201 shall
remain open until the gyro is in the full-caged position, at which time
the contacts shall be closed.
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