| ![]() MIL-G-45140B
serious defects in the item, in which case retest shall be made only if
authorized by the procuring agency. Failure of any gun in the retest to
meet the requirements shall cause rejection of the represented lot.
Sample size and test methods for reconditioned lots shall be the same as
for retest. Interchangeability testing. In plant.
* Guns. A sample of ten guns selected from each
inspection lot shall be tested for interchangeability (see 3.4) using
the test method specified in 4.6.9. Guns taken for interchangeability
testing shall have been found satisfactory in all other examinations
and tests. Test frequency maybe reduced to not less than one test of
ten guns each month when a record of consistently satisfactory results
has been established. The ten guns shall be tested for and shall comply
with the requirements for operating rod protrusion, sear release dis-
engagement, hammer release and spring return load, and firing pin indent
before and after interchange of parts, using the test methods specified
in 4.6.4, 4.6.5, 4.6.6 and 4.6.7 respectively. In addition, the guns
shall be tested for functioning firing and targeting and accuracy require-
ments after interchange of parts using the test methods specified in 4.6.1
and 4.6.3 respectively. Hand refinement of parts will be allowed on not
more than two guns during interchanging of parts provided that no part
is altered beyond drawing requirements. Failure of guns to meet the
requirements of the interchangeability test or failure of any gun to
meet the requirements of the functioning firing test and the targeting
and accuracy test shall be cause for retest or rejection of the repre-
sented lot. Upon approval of the procuring activity, an interchange-
ability retest may be allowed without reconditioning the lot of guns.
Failure in the retest shall cause rejection of the represented lot. A
sample of 20 guns from each retest or reconditioned lot shall be tested
using the same procedure described above except that hand refinement will
be allowed on not more than 4 gun. (Concurrent repair parts. The contractor shall sub-
ject at least two parts from each inspection lot of concurrent repair
parts to the interchangeability test specified in Failure
of any part to meet the requirements shall be cause for rejection of
the represented lot of parts subject to reconditioning and further test
as a reconditioned lot. A sample of double the number of parts used in
the original test shall be tested from each reconditioned lot using the
test method specified in
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