| MIL-G-48438A(MU) STG Tracking Inputs. Boresight switch. - With run selector switch in run 52.
Apply console power and set run/hold switch in hold. Reset and depress
and release boresight switch. Depress boresight switch and the indicator
shall light and that altitude meter indicates 0+20 meters. Release bore-
sight switch and indicator light shall extinguish and meter reads 90(&50
meters. Depress boresight switch and measure the voltage across J3N and
J3-A with DVM. Apply +10.0 0.1 VDC differential signal across J1 p and
J1-n, with J1-n as goung. The DVM reading shall not be affected by the
10 volt signal. Boresight box (Azimuth). - With STG.console energized as in, connect P2 of cable assembly W1/W34 to console connector J1.
Attach STG boresight box to W1/W34 P1O. Connect a DVM across J3 N and J3 A,
using J3-A as ground. Rotate azimuth potentiometer on boresight box fully
clockwise and then counterclockwise noting the DVM reading at each extreme.
The DVM shall read a total range of 3.4 0.5 VDC symmetrically 0.0 0.5 VDC. Boresight box (Elevation).- With console connected as above
except pin J3 N is replaced by J3 P and the elevation potentiometer is
rotate. The DVM shall read 8.0 10.0 VDC symmetrically about 0.0 0.5 VDC. Tachometer. - Set the azimuth adjust potentiometer
on the rear of the console to 1000 5 OHMS with the aid of an ohmmeter. With
the boresight switch depressed, apply a 8.14 0.02 VDC differential signal
across J1 n and J1 p, using J1 p as ground. Connect an oscilloscope to
J1-T with J1 s as ground and measure logic "0". Using a stop watch,
simultaneously start the stop watch and release the boresight switch.. Stop
the watch when the scope indicates logic "1". The stop watch shall read
10+1 second and the boresight indicator shall blink. Reverse test leads on
J1 n and J1 p and repeat the above test and observe the same-results. " Elevation Potentiometer.- With STG energized, connect P2
of W1/w34 to console connector J1. Attach STG boresight box to P10 of
W1/W34 and elevation potentiometer to W25. Connect DVM across J2-E and
J2-A, with J2-A as ground. Rotate shaft of elevation pot assembly and the
DVM shall read between -2 and -15+ 1 VDC. STG Console Scoring. Digital readout. Self test. - Depress flight ended indicator and all digital
readouts shall indicate "8". Fire 1 error/Fire 2 error. Depress boresight switch (light on). Adjust azimuth
crosshair to the left of center such that the azimuth digital readouts read
30 2. Set elevation crosshair to the upper edge of the 15 mil reticle such
that the elevation digital readouts read 07+2. Depress Fire l/Fire 2 error
indicator such that upper portion (fire 1 error) is lit. Perform
move both crosshairs to the maximum extremes allowable by the pot controls.
both sets of digital readouts should not change with crosshair movement
(record readout indications.)
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