| ![]() MIL-G-48438A(MU) Depress DS14 such that fire 2 error portion of indicator
is lit. Adjust azimuth crosshair to read 07 01 and elevation crosshair to
read 30 01. Crosshairs maybe on either side of the meter center. Perform Move both crosshairs to the left and "upper entremes allowable
by pot controls. Both sets of digital readout should not change with cross-
hair movement. (record readout indications) Place both crosshairs to the approximate center of the
15 mil reticle. Depress DS14 such that fire 1 error portion is lit.
Readouts should indicate values noted in Depress DS14 such that fire 2 error portion is lit.
Readouts should indicate values noted in Depress reset switch, move crosshairs. Readouts shall
now change with movement of crosshairs. Tracking error meter-digital readout relation. Meter boresight.- Depress boresight switch light on)
engage reticle switch on rear of console. Adjust AZ and EL posts on the
front panal to center both crosshairs of the tracking error meter to the
center of the 15 mil reticle read all zero's on digital readouts. Rotate each pot fully clockwise and counterclockwise.
Crosshairs shall be outside of the 60 mil reticle at the pot extremes. Release boresight switch (lightout) both sets of read-
outs read 49. Depress boresight switch (light on) adjust AZ and EL
pots on console to left and upper edge of the 15 mil reticle. Each set
of digital readouts shall read 07 0l. Repeat with crosshairs at right and
lower edge of 15 mil reticle. Adjust AZ and EL pots on console to left and upper edge
of 30 mil reticle. Each set of digital readouts shall read 30+01. Repeat for right and lower edge of
30 mil reticle. Reticle monitoring. - Connect an oscilloscope probe
to pin AA or J2 and the ground lend to pin s. Connect another probe to
pin V of J2 with the scope in the chop mode, apply a 28 .5 VDC signal be-
tween pins w and s of J1. The radiate, lock-on and ATD indicators shall
light. The voltage At J2-Z shall be 0 0.5 VDC. The voltage on J2 r shall
be a logical O. Rotate the AZ adjust pot on the console such that the
azimuth crosshair is outside the 60 mil reticle the voltage on J2 r shall
switch to logical 1 and the voltage on J2-Z shall go to 15.0+0.3 VDC
1.0+0.2 seconds after J2 r changes state. When this 15 volt level is reached,
the lock-on and ATD indicate will go out.
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