| ![]() MIL-G-81065A(OS)
4.3.3 Acceptance sampling. The tests and examinations specified in
4.7 shall be conducted on each gyro-pendulum to be delivered; therefore,
there shall be no sampling plan for acceptance. Defective units shall
be rejected.
4.4 Test conditions. Unless otherwise specified, the gyro-pendulum
shall be subjected to tests under the following conditions:
Room ambient (60 to 95 degrees F)
(a) Temperature
Room ambient, up to 95 percent
(b) Humidity (relative)
Normal ground atmospheric pressure
(c) Altitude
4.5 Preproduction test. The gyro-pendulum with the preproduction
sample (identified as gyro-pendulums 1, 2 and 3) shall be subjected to
the tests specified in Table VI. Certified inspection data covering
the results of preproduction tests shall be forwarded to the Naval
Ordnance Systems Command. Certified inspection data shall consist of the
(a ) Date of test and names of persons conducting the tests.
(b) Run or test plan used.
(c ) Serial number of gyro-pendulum.
(d) Test results of preproduction tests (4.5.2 through 4.5.3).
4.5.1 Preproduction test equipment. The following items of test
equipment are required to perform the preproduction tests specified
herein: A vibration table capable of vibrating a 5 pound load, plus
fixture weight, at 10 g's maximum over a frequency range of 5 to 500
cycles per second with a maximum double amplitude of 0.75 inch. A shock testing machine capable of applying shocks of up to
300 g's maximum at durations from 0.5 to 21 milliseconds. A centrifuge capable of exerting acceleration forces up to 35
g's magnitude for periods of three minutes minimum. A temperature chamber capable of programmed temperature varia-
tions over a range of minus 50 to plus 145 degrees F. A humidity chamber capable of providing a constant humidity
condition of 95 percent at 110 degrees F for extended periods up to 8
hours .
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