| ![]() MIL-G-82455(OS)
Basic requirements. -
Data. -
No data is required by this specification (other
than reports accompanying samples submitted for preproduction and periodic
production testing), or by applicable documents referenced in Section 2
unless specified in the contract or order (see paragragh 6.2).
Selection of materials.-
Fungus proof material.- Materials that are nutrients
for fungi shall not be used unless necessary. Where used and not
hermetically sealed, they shall be treated with a fungicidal agent
acceptable to the procuring activity.
Dissimilar metals.- Unless suitably protected against
electrolytic corrosion, dissimilar metals shall not be used in contact
with each other. Dissimilar metals are defined in Standards 33586.
Design changes.- Unless otherwise specified by the procur-
ing activity, any change in design (which affects performance or relia-
bility of the Generator as determined by the Procuring Activity) made after
completion of preproduction tests, shall require that a new preproduction
sample (see 4.3.1) manufactured in accordance with the design change, be
submitted for testing.
3.2.4 Gages.- The supplier shall provide whatever gages are
necessary and adequate to assure that the material and parts of the
Generator will meet dimensions and requirements shown on the applicable
documents listed on BuWeps Drawing 2303.891.. When requested by the supplier,
the procuring activity will furnish existing pertinent drawings of Naval
Final inspection gages for use only in the designing of the supplier's
gages. This action does nut relieve the supplier of the responsibility
for designing and manufacturing the gages needed for the satisfactory
fulfillment of the contract requirements.
Inspection and test equipment and facilities.- The supplier
shall furnish and maintain all necessary inspection and test equipment
and facilities, and provide personnel for performing all acceptance tests
specified herein. The test equipment shall be adequate to permit per-
formance of the required acceptance tests.
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