| ![]() MIL-G-82455(OS)
Acceleration (steady -state).- Acceleration
(steady-state) is the time rate of change of velocity of a body
resulting from the application of a sustained external force with
a uniform buildup to peak in more than 0.010 second. Acceleration
is given in multiples of gravitational acceleration (g's).
Humidity.- The relative humidity of the environment to
which the Generator is exposed, expressed as a percent.
General safety precautions.- The loading, assembly and
handling of the Generator and the subassemblies thereof, involve
hazardous operations and therefore require suitable explosives safety
precautions. Use of this specification will not be construed as to
relieve the contractor or manufacturer of responsibility for the safety
of his operations. Listed below are certain minimum provisions which a
contractor or manufacturer (which explosively loads the item covered)
should observe in order to fulfill his responsibility for safety.
At Naval Ordnance Systems Command.
and other Government plants,
these provisions are mandatory. Such other warnings and precautions,
pertinent to the operational effectiveness or safety during use or
loading of the specified item, are included in the detail technical
requirements of the specifications. Personnel involved in these
operations shall be indoctrinated in these safety practices. The
procedures of BuWeps Publication OP 5, Ammunition Ashore, Handling,
Stowing, and Shipping, shall be followed where applicable.
6.4.1 All loading operations should be conducted in a neat and
orderly manner.
6.4.2 Safe equipment and methods should be utilized for trans-
porting and handling explosives and loaded parts. Where required,
remote control barricaded handling equipment shall be used for
explosives operations, such as mixing, pouring, weighing, charging,
sifting, drying, pressing, casting, crimping, etc.
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