| ![]() MIL-G-85103B(AS)
A failure is defined as the inability of the gun system to perform within the
requirements of this specification (see 6.3).
4.3.4 Test conditions and equipment. All firing tests shall be
accomplished with the gun system affixed to a Government approved mount by its
normal means of attachment. The mount shall have a rigidity so that not more
than 4mm (0.166 inch) deflection occurs in gun fire recoil. Torsional deflection
of the mount shall not degrade accuracy or dispersion. The contractor shall
furnish the applicable measuring devices and instrumentation to measure and
record test data. Calibration of the test equipment shall be in accordance with
MIL-STD-45662. The contractor shall interface the gun system with the necessary
chuting and necessary anmunition storage capacity to complete each test. The
chuting and storage device shall be provided by the contractor. The contractor
shall provide all-necessary supplies and services except GFP to accomplish the
testing specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, all gun system test firing
shall be with TP-T ammunition. Unless otherwise specified herein, all tests
shall be conducted under environmental conditions existing at the test site.
4.4 Qualification inspection.
4.4.1 Examination and test methods. Visual and mechanical inspection.Each gun system shall
visually and mechanically inspected for conformance to the applicable Table IV,
Group I requirement paragraphs. Certification. The contractor shall have available written
certification accompanied by objective evidence, as defined in MIL-STD-109, that
materials and processes meet the applicable requirements of Table V, Group I. Performance certification. In those instances where it is
impossible or very difficult for the contractor to perform the inspection or
tests as specified herein, the contractor shall have available objective
evidence that the gun system meets the requirements of this specification.
acceptability of evidence shall be subject to approval of the procuring activity. Performance characteristics tests. Teh gun system shall be
installed as specified in 4.3.4 and loaded with 300 rounds of TP-T ammunition.
Unless otherwise specified herin, the gun system shall be fired in accordance
with the burst firing schedule of
Qualification inspection tests. Environmental. Altitude. The gun system shall be subjected to the altitude test
of MIL-STD-810, Method 500.1, Procedure II, to an altitude of 5,200 m. While at
this pressure altitude, the gun system shall be fired or cycled in one l-second
burst. The gun system shall meet the requirements of and High temperature. The gun system, when subjected to the high
temperature environment specified in MIL-STD-810, Method 501.1, Procedure I,
with the test chamber at a temperature of 71C for 4 hours, shall have the heat
input removed and shall fire or cycle one 1-second burst. After the gun system
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