| ![]() MIL-G-85536(AS)
3.2.4 Durability. The gun system shall perform within the limitations
specified herein with a scheduled parts replacement at intervals of 18,000
fired rounds. Scheduled maintenance shall be performed as specified in a
procuring activity approved maintenance manual (see 6.2.2).
3.3 Design and construction. The gun system shall have the following
design and construction characteristics.
3.3.1 Production drawings. The gun system shall be fabricated and
assembled in accordance with the drawings, parts lists, and other documents
listed on Drawing 1395AS100.
3.3.2 Standards of manufacture. The gun system shall be manufactured in
accordance with the standards of this specification and the standards
specified on the drawings listed in Table I.
3.3.3 Interchangeability. The components of the gun system shall be
completely interchangeable without field adjustment. All parts having the
same part numbers shall be completely interchangeable, in accordance with
MIL-I-8500. The gun and ammunition Paks, Drawings 75A732506. and 75A732707,
shall be interchangeable as assemblies with the aircraft interface.
3.4 First article. When specified, a sample shall be subjected to firs
article inspection (see 4.3 and 6.5).
3.4.1 First article sample. When specified in the contract or purchase
order, the contractor shall furnish a first article sample of one gun system
for first article inspection and approval (see 6.2.lc). The first article
shall be manufactured using the same methods, materials, processes and
procedures proposed for production. Any production prior to approval of the
first article shall be at the risk of the contractor.
3.5 Workmanship. Workmanship and finish shall be in accordance with
the highest grade practice used in manufacturing military weapons. Finished
items and parts shall not exhibit poor material and processing such as seams,
laps, laminations, cracks, visible steps, sharp edges, nicks, scratches,
burrs, deformations, and missing operations which may affect serviceability,
functioning, operation, or safety. Fins and other extraneous metal shall be
removed from cast or forged parts. When doubt exists concerning acceptability
of the contractor's workmanship, the questionable physical item will be
submitted to the responsible technical agency for decision.
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