| ![]() MIL-H-45984B (AR) Elevating mechanism test. A torque wrench
graduated in inch-pounds shall be utilized for measuring loads
at the shaft of the left handwheel. Measurements shall be taken
at the following elevations, both in elevating and depressing:
-4.2 (-75 mils), +5 (89 mils), +10 (178 mils), +15
(267 mils), +25 (444 mils), +35 (622 mils), +45 (800
mils), +55 (978 mils), +65 (1156 mils) and +70 (1245
mils). The method for taking measurements is as follows: With
the cannon and recoil mechanism installed and the carriage in
emplaced position and level, depress to -75 mils and take the
torque reading on the nut clockwise or counterclockwise. Then
elevate to the next station and repeat taking torque readings on
the nut clockwise or counterclockwise. Repeat this operation at
all stations while elevating the cannon and recoil mechanism
between -75 mils and maximum elevation +1245 mils. Elevating mechanism backlash measurement test.
The following procedure shall be utilized to measure left and
right system backlash:
a. Equipment utilized:
1) A circular template, approximately 15 inches in
diameter, with clearance cut-outs for the handle, located 180
degrees from each other, with degree markings on the front face,
showing a span of 50 degrees and graduated in one degree
intervals, located left and right of the zero mark and two
mounting clamps on the rear face.
2) A pointer with an attached spring and chain.
3). Adial indicator (with a range per revolution of
.100 inch and a total range of 1.00 inch)
4) A strap clamp with a wuick release tension hook
5) A split clamp with a quick release tension hook
and with a contract surface for the dial indictor point.
b. Assembly of the test equipment to the howitzer to be
elevating mechanism handwheel by 1locating the shoulder, on thei
back of the template, into the nut counterbore and securing it
to the handwheel with both mounting clamps on the rear face of
the template
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