| ![]() MIL-H-45984B (AR)
2) The pointer, for the circular template, with an
attached spring and chain, is mounted behind the same handwheel
and secured to the handwheel housing by pulling the chain firmly
around the handwheel housing and hooking the chain in the notch
provided as part of the pointer assembly.
3) The dial indicator is mounted to the strap clamp
and then mounted on the lower end of the left cylinder (ref.
dwg, 12007737) of the left elevating screw assembly (ref. dwg.
4) The split clamp, with a quick release tension
hook. is clamped in place on the lower end of the left tube
(ref; dwg. 12007745) of the same elevating screw assembly just
below the dial indicator with the contact surface of the clamp
aligned with and against the dial indicator point. Note: This
clamp is relocated on the tube after each elevation or
depression setting of the cannon tube
Backlash Inspection procedure:
Set M17 quadrant to the desired elevation setting.
2) Disengage the clutch by pressing down on the
clutch handle. Elevate or depress the weapon by turning the
elevating handwheel, on either side of the carriage.
3) Turn the handwheel counterclockwise until the
pointer is aligned with the zero degree marking on the circular
template. While holding the handwheel steady at zero degrees,
set the dial indicator to zero.
4) While observing the dial indicator, continue,
turning the handwheel counterclockwise and stop when the dial
indicator pointer has made at least one and a third revolutions
around the dial past the original zero setting (approximately
.130 inch).
5) continue watching the dial indicator and turn the
handwheel in a clockwise direction and stop when the dial
indicator pointer returns the one-and-a-third revolutions back
to the original zero reading. Read and record the number of
degrees of backlash on the circular template aligned with the
6) Read and record backlash readings at the following
elevations and depressions: -75 mils, + mils, +267 mils, +622
mils, +978 mils and +1245 mils.
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